She's Got What She's Always Wanted

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20th December 2016
Olivia now 7 months pregnant was cleaning Steffi's room getting it ready for her as she was coming to stay over for Christmas and New Years from Uni. Olivia had improved so much this past year, her PTSD was improving she had her last counselling meeting just a few weeks ago, for once in her life she actually felt like her life meant something in the world and she wasn't just a mistake that her mother never got rid of.

Olivia smiled at the work she had done, she sat down and went through Steffi's draw to clean it out. As she went through it, she stumbled on some sort of collage, on it had a line going down the middle on one side there was a picture of Steffi as a baby with her mum and dad. Olivia smiled with sympathy in her eyes. It read "Old Family" as Olivia turned her eyes to the other side there was a picture of her Elliot and Steffi on the day of the wedding. And also the baby scan photo. Olivia smiled. On top it read "New Family" Olivia giggled she placed it on top of Steffi's draw next to her bed, closed the draw, she looked down at her now big bump and rubbed it gently. "Soon baby...soon" Olivia got up and walked out of the room.

Yale University
"Hurry up Tori, we have to leave in an hour!!" Steffi shouted from her room in the student hall. Tori had just come out the shower. "Okay, okay I'm coming man! Jheez!" Tori said rapped in her towel walking like a penguin to her bed while she got changed. Steffi was making the finishing touches to the things she was going to pack. She noticed the picture she always kept by her bedside, one side had her with her mum and dad when they went to visit him in prison, and on the other side was a picture of her Elliot and Olivia at Olivia's baby shower. She smiled as she placed it in the bag. About 45 minutes later once Tori had finally taken a ridiculously long time getting ready, they got into Tori's car, and as Tori was just about allowed to be able to drive, she thought it would save them getting arrested, she drove. "It's gonna feel strange you know, seeing them after 7 months. I face timed mum the other week, the bump is massive now, Ughhh I just hope that she's okay, cause I know that when I left she didn't want to let me go after what happened with my uncle....." I said as I got in the car. Tori put her hand on my shoulder. "Listen babe, she has missed you I know she has and she's okay you know, her PTSD improved, she doesn't need counselling anymore she's got you and Elliot and the baby!, so there isn't anything for you to worry about" Steffi shrugged. "Huh you say that now, watch in two months time, when the baby comes....." When ever Olivia used to get pissed at Steffi for coming home late she could get really bitchy, and so before obviously her and Elliot got married Steffi and Tori called her ".....Bitchy Benson!!" They both laughed, Tori started the car and within seconds they were off.

The Precinct
"Wait so, your telling me that woman can rape a man and get a whopper of a sentence....but when a man rapes a's not an issue?" Dani Beck questioned Elliot's remark. Dani had been there a few months while Olivia was on maternity leave, Fin wasn't a big fan of Dani he didn't trust and he didn't like her and that was that. "No one said it was, and men do get a harsh conviction, there was one case we had this guy Abraham, he was "married" to these women well girls which was statutory rape he killed all the kids he had had with the women......and tried killing himself in the process until Liv stopped him and in the end he got a consecutive sentence for every kid he killed and the girls he was married to!" Dani was silent realizing that she had pissed him off. "Got anything else to say?....No? Good I'll be off then" just as he was about to get up and leave, Olivia came out of the elevator, heavily pregnant.....and pissed. "ELLIOT JOSEPH STABLER!!!" People in the precinct started looking around. Elliot quickly sat up noticing that she was pissed....I mean how could you not. "Liv?, woah calm down what's wrong?" She went up to his desk and slammed her hand on Dani's. "What's wrong??! What's wrong?!! What's wrong is that you were supposed to be at home an hour ago Steffi is gonna be here in less than hour, and your here dawdling doing fuck all!!" "A-Actually Olivia I called him in I needed some help with something so he-" Olivia put her hand in Dani's face. "Thank you Dani but I don't need an input from you, this is between me and my husband it has nothing to do with you!" (Ooooooo sass!!! Haha😋) Dani awkwardly sat back in her seat and carried on doing paper work. Elliot put her hand in his. "Liv listen, i'm sorry and before you say anything, i didn't forget how could i, she's ours" "yeah only by law" Dani coughed as of she hadn't said anything, Olivia turned around looking like she was gonna kill a bitch letting go of his hand the process. "What did you just say?" Dani thumped her pen down and looked at Olivia. "Look your always pestering him over a girl who is only under your care by the law AND Elliot is a grown man he doesn't need you telling him what to do!" Olivia frowned at her. "You best hope i don't come over there and slap you, number one i know hes a grown man, but family right now is important, and two how dare you?!, Steffi may not be ours but i have loved her as if she were my own....."She began to cry. "So I-I don't need you or you tell me otherwise you bitch for ever thinking like that!" Olivia smacked her in the face....hard. Fin smiled, Cragen rushed out of his office. "What the hell is going on here?!" Olivia looked at Dani with tears coming out of her eyes. "Nothing" she said as she looked at Dani, then walked her way to the lift and went down it trying to wipe her tears. Elliot put his head in hands then and the punched the table.

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