I Want to Stay with You

309 10 3

2nd June 2016
Olivia woke up slowly, her eyes groggy from being unconscious she could hear muffled voices. When she finally gained consciousness in front of her were Nick, Fin and Munch. "Hey babygirl, how you feeling?" Olivia sighed while rubbing her eyes. "I feel like I've been killed and brought back to life" Munch smiled "yeah she's fine" Olivia sat up suddenly realising. "Oh god!!, Steffi!" Nick went to sit next to her, "Don't worry Liv she's fine she's just down the corridor" Olivia sensed the hesitation that was about to come next. "What?, what's wrong?" Nick sighed. "Liv, when they brought her in, she was in pretty bad shape. This was brutal, the doctors say she may be here for days. Maybe even weeks".

Olivia closed her eyes, trying to trap the tears coming out. "Will she live?" Nick nodded. After a few minutes of silence Liv spoke. "Wait where's Elliot?" "Elliot has been by Steffi's side since she was brought here" "I want to see them." "But Liv your in no shape to-" "I don't care about me Nick, I need to make sure she knows I'm okay and to know that she's okay" Nick didn't bother argue cause Liv was already up. She struggled but succeeded. She walked down the ward. Her heart was pounding. She was nervous, she felt so guilty, she promised Steffi that she would help and save her and get justice and she let her down. Tears began to build up in her eyes. She reached Steffi's room. She saw Elliot he had fallen asleep on Steffi's arm. Olivia couldn't hold her tears back. Her sobbing woke up Elliot. He saw at the door sobbing. "Oh god! Liv" "El!" Olivia ran into his arms. They cried and hugged each other. After a few minutes they sat down beside Steffi. "Nick told me that she's pretty bad" "Yeah" he said wiping his tears away stroking Steffi's face. "There was vaginal trauma, scarring-" "I know El...I know" Elliot could sense the guilt. "Liv, babe this wasn't your fault" Olivia sighed. "I watched her get hurt El, I couldn't even protect her it should have been me who was raped in front of. Elliot frowned, "W-Wait, what are you talking about?" "B-before you arrived....." Just then Steffi began to wake up. "Mmmmmh Olivia?....Elliot?" Olivia placed her hand gently on her arm and began stroking her face. "Hey sweetie, how ya feelin'?" "Like death warmed up" Steffi sighed and put her hand over her forehead. "Is it over?" "Not yet Steff." Said Elliot. Steffi sighed frustratedly and winced at the pain in her stomach. "How bad is it?" "Well Steff they said you may be here for days, maybe even weeks" "But what about the trial?.....there is going to be a trial right?" "You bet your ass there's gonna be a trial". "Oh Steffi, meet Casey Novak she's the DA Handling your court case". They shook hands. "Steffi i know this gonna be hard, but to make this case i really need your testimony, without it i have no case. "Anything to punish what my sick uncle did." Casey turned to Olivia. "You as Well Liv." "Me?!" Olivia looked at Elliot then back at Casey. "He followed you for years and plus you were the one who investigated her mothers rape" B-But I didn't even know she had a brother until three weeks ago" "I'm sorry Liv but the judge has ordered it. Olivia sighed. "But wait if I'm here for weeks then i won't be able to testify" "Don't worry, we'll find a way". Just then Cragen came in. "Sorry to interrupt,but um well someone wants to see you Steffi. Everyone looked at each other. Sophia then stepped into the room. "Steffi??" "Sophia!!" "Steffi!" Sophia ran up to Steffi and hugged her tight. "Wait what are you doing here?" "I saw the men that came looking for you i called Olivia-" "And if she hadn't we never would have found you" Olivia said while stroking her cheek. Sophia turned back to Steffi. "I'm just glad your safe Sophia" Casey nelt down to her. "Hey Sophia my name is Casey Novak i' a lawyer to help Steffi's case. Would you be willing to testify against Miss Monroe and the man that hurt her. Sophia nodded. Steffi began to yawn. "Gosh, all ya'll are making me tired" They knew that was there cue to leave.

A few hours later, Steffi woke up. Olivia was sitting in the chair beside her. "So how long have you been there staring at me?" Olivia laughed. "Only about an Hour" "Well thank god i didn't wake cause that was the best sleep that i've had in ages." They both laughed. There was silence. "Steffi-" "Oh Olivia please don't" "No let me explain....." Olivia sighed. "I am so sorry for what happened to you back in that theater, I should have stopped him, i could have done something i could have hit him or-" Steffi put her hand on Olivia's arm, and looked at her tears beginning to fill up in her eyes. "Olivia I-It's okay there was nothing you could have done" She looked down and while closing her eyes trying to hold back the tears then looked back up at her. "You still and came and found me and i know you feel guilty and i haven't forgotten about the promise that you made" Olivia's eyes were full of tears. "Olivia, it wasn't your fault you got justice for me you caught the villain and the hero deserves her award, so now stop crying b-be f-for you make me b-break down." Olivia laughed while crying. They embraced in a hug, this time it was more than just a friendship, it was a special bond.

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