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30th April 2016

"Steffi come on, you need to hurry up or your gonna be late for school!" It was Steffi's first day back after the fight. Since being in a hospital and Bruno knowing where she is, they've had a squad car out there for days. Olivia still without Elliot was rushing around to find her car keys, and Cell phone. "Steffi come on!" "Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Steffi shouted from the spare room, she then came out wearing tracksuit bottoms a "Central Perk" top and a snap back. "Right come one let's go. Olivia and Steffi rushed out the flat and into the car.  "Olivia, are you going to let them deport me?" "Steffi I'm never gonna let that happen, this isn't right you were born here i have a feeling that your aunt was behind this, but she's not gonna win" Olivia stroked her cheek while driving. "Promise?" she looked at Steffi. "Promise" She smiled. They arrived at the school. "Here's 20 Dollars, Now please behave your self, and also watch your sixth." Steffi sighed sarcastically "Yes mum!, i'll be fine" She hugged Olivia then walked out the car and walked to the school gate. Steffi turned round, to look at Olivia in the car. Olivia smiled at her and waved Steffi waved back and ran off to find her best friend Tori.

Olivia arrived at the precinct Nick already there, laughing with Fin and Munch. She smiled as she sat at her desk. "What's so funny?" Nick was sniggering trying to control himself. There was silence for 5 seconds. "Are you ready for me daddy?!" Nick, Finn and Munch burst out laughing. Olivia gasped. "Finn you told him?!" "Ha, sorry baby girl Munch let it slip." Olivia scoffed. "Yeah sure, and anyway that was like 3 years ago and plus i had to be a hooker otherwise El's cover would have been blown." Nick raised his eyebrows. "Sureeeeeeee" She slapped his arm, just then Cragen came in. "Liv, i got a call from a Emma Stone, she's claiming that she was Steffi's mom's best friend and she may have some news about Bruno." "But Cap i still have that VICE issue to sort out with Steffi." "Liv, you wanna find the bastard that raped Steffi?, then talk to Emma". Olivia sighed. "Amaro, you go with her." "Sure thing Cap."

They arrived at Emma's house. "You really think this Emma has info that we need it does seem a bit dodgy?" Nick said as they got out of the car, and walked to the porch. "Yeah i admit it's not what we expected, but we have to be respectful Nick her best friend has been dead ten years with no justice served." She rang the door bell. "I think we all deserve some closer." A mixed race woman came and answered the door. "H-hello?" "Hi Emma Stone?" She nods. "Hi I'm Detective Olivia Benson, this Detective Amaro, our Captain said that you called about Bruno, do you mind if we come in?" She nodded and lead them into living room. The Tv was on and a little girl and a boy who looked 17 was sat on his phone while she watched the Tv. "Naomi, TJ can you please go upstairs mum need to talk privately" . TJ groaned as he went up the stairs. Naomi got up and went to leave the sitting room, she smiled at Olivia, "Hello my name is Naomi, what's yours?!" Olivia chuckled "My name is Olivia and this is Nick" Naomi put her hand up to shake Olivia's hand and Olivia shook her hand. "Bye!" she ran up the stairs. Olivia chuckled, "She's really sweet, yeah she takes after her father." Nick notices the picture of him on the fire place. "Navy? huh how long has he been gone now?" "Six months, he's due back home this christmas." She sighed. "Sorry i've been so rude, can i get you guys a drink or anything?" "No, no thank, you look tired how about we sit down" Emma nodded and sat on the sofa next to Olivia while Nick sat in the arm chair. "Now you said you had information on Bruno" She nodded "yes um, Bruno and Georgina had a very trouble childhood. there dad left when Bruno was five and Georgina was 10 which was the same year that i met her. They were really close, but then when their mum got married again things changed, Georgina was getting spoilt, very spoilt and it was like Bruno didn't exist" "And let me guess he got jealous right?" "It was more than that, his whole attitude changed he started joining gangs, fighting with his step-dad" She sighed "He beat up his Maths teacher so sad badly, he couldn't teach for more than 6 months" Olivia's eyes beamed as she sighed and rubbed her face with her hands. "So are you saying that he's extremely dangerous" Emma nodded. "Why are you guys asking about Bruno anyway?" Olivia and Nick looked at each other. "What?" "Miss Stone were investigating him because Steffi..." "Oh my god is Steffi okay, i haven't seen her since the funeral" "Why not?" Nick asked. "Because her so called aunt stopped me from seeing her, Bruno's orders apparently" "Miss Stone Steffi was raped last week." Emma put her hand over mouth. "Oh god!" "Emma, we found semen that matched to Bruno. which led us to finding out that....." She looked at Nick. "I'm so sorry but he was the one that killed Georgina and John". "NOOOOOO! , please tell me that it's trick!" "I'm sorry" Said Nick "But it's not a trick he did kill them, our ME confirmed it." She broke down in Olivia's arms, Olivia stroked her hair as she let her sob in her arms.

"Well that was tough." Nick said as they walked down to the car. "I just don't get this family they are so distant and the closest person to Steffi right now, hasn't even seen her since the funeral". "Well, Nick you have to remember until we find Bruno we can't fully confirm this story of jelousy" Just then her Cell rang "Your right and-" "Nick shhh, Hello?" "Olivia, it's S-Sophia" "Hey Sophia are you okay?" "No Olivia these really scary men came in and raided the house, They were wearing black Uniform that had V...I...C...E written on it" Olivia's eyes beamed at Nick who gestured asking her what was wrong. "Oh no, Sophia, where are you?" "I ran out the house, I'm at the precinct i used the card you gave me to get me here." "Okay good girl Sophia stay where you are, do you know if the men are still there?" "No, they left just before I ran!" She said now crying on the phone. "Don't worry Sophia were on our way" She ended the call. "Nick we gotta!" They rushed into the car and Olivia paced it down the road. 

They arrived at the precinct, she could see Sophia. On the stairs crying. Olivia and Nick got out the car and ran over to her. "Olivia!!" She cried and ran up to her Olivia embraced her into a hug. "Come with us Sophia" They all rushed into the precinct. "Olivia, Tucker just called saying that VICE came to the care home and-" "Cap I know, this is Sophia, she rang me and told me what happened and she ran straight to the precinct". "They must be after Steffi, Olivia!" Olivia bent down to her level. "What do you mean sweetie?" "I heard Miss Monroe talking to someone on the phone last night, i don't know who she was on the phone to, but she said that Steffi won't know what's hit her, she'll never see that lady cop again!, i think she was talking about you too Olivia" Olivia got back to her height and looked at Cragen. "How about you come with me and we can do some drawing?" Nick suggested Sophia agreed. Just then Olivia got another phone call. "hello?" There was loads of screams in the background. "Detective Benson,?, Oh god! It's Principal Wilson VICE came here about 10 minutes ago! They just barged in Steffi's English Class and took her away!, it frightened the kids in 11th grade and now everyone is raving chaos" A tear fell from Olivia's eye. "We'll be right there!" Olivia ended the call. "Cap VICE came to her school, oh god that was Principal Wilson we need a S.W.A.T Team ASAP". "Right Finn go with Liv. I'll call a swat team then meet you there".

Olivia and Finn arrived at the school and saw the chaos, they saw Principal Wilson, they ran up to her. "Miss Wilson, what the hell happened?!" "Everything was quite, i was actually coming to Steffi's English class to see how she was. The next thing i hear is screaming and i see Steffi being dragged out her class!" She was very distressed. Olivia had her hand over her forehead looking around the school while the students screamed, scared. "Fin we need to go to the lock up to find her and get her out!, Miss Wilson we'll be back in the mean time my Captain will be here in a few minutes.

Immigration Lock Up   

Olivia and Finn arrived at the lock up they showed there badges to the reception. "Do you have a Steffi Matthews here?!" Olivia asked panicking wanting to cry. The man didn't even bother looking. "No sorry, not in the last hour" "Yo! look you best use your damn eyes and look properly before i come behind that counter and look my self you son of bitch!". Finn shouted. The guy gave him a dirty look and started looking though the system. "There as been no Steffi Matthews in the System" Olivia started to panic even more. "What?!, there has to be!!" Then suddenly she realized. "Baby girl?" "Fin, I don't think that was VICE that took her!" 


OMG?!!! What's gonna happen?!! Who do you think it was?? Next Chapter will be update tonight, (London, Time which is like 8:00) Thanks so much for reading, I really didn't expect it Love you all!!! 

Steffi xox  

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