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16th April 1999

It had been almost a year since they had gone bankrupt. Georgina was on her way back from teaching at Hudson University. She got in her car but instead of going home she went to her second job. She stopped off outside of a club. As she stepped out she had changed her clothes only wearing a bra with a skirt and heels. She walked into the club and was greeted by the girls who she was friends with at the club. "YO HOT STUFF" she turned to see a very handsome middle aged man call her. She led him to the room and they began to have sex. An hour later she came out of the room stuffing money in her bra. That night she had, had intercourse with at least about 5 men. It was one o'clock she was making her way home. she quickly changed back into her normal clothes. She saw the light was still on which she thought was unusual. When she stepped inside the house, her husband John Matthews was sitting on the sofa as if he'd been waiting for her to come home. "Where have you been?, it's almost 1:30am" "i was with soome of my colleagues at work, having a drink like we also way do on a Friday" He began to chuckle then went serious. "DON'T LIE TO ME GEORGINA !!!, you know how i know your lying?" She shook her head. "THIS" he threw a piece of paper at her. It was a picture of a website of her at work. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!!, AFTER EVERYTHING THATS HAPPENED?!! ME LOOSING MY SHOP YOU ALMOST GETTING SHOT!!, YOU SELFISH BITCH !!!" He slapped her, she cried "I'm sorry!!, i was only just trying to make extra mone-" "Yeah looking like a fucking whore!!, you wanna be a whore?" He began grabbing her "I'll show you how much of a whore you are!" "NOOOOO JOHN LET GO OF ME!" She made struggle to be released from him as he dragged her up the stairs. She screamed and screamed.

Once they had gotten up to the bedroom he pushed her as she fell on to the bed he began unbuckling his pants. "No John No!!" He then pinned her hand up on the head board lifted up her skirt, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!" She screamed, but he inserted his member, inside of her thrusting over and over again and hard as he could. Georgina, screamed and screamed But he still kept going until he reached his climax, and came inside of her. Just then he heard sirens

They found him a week later and he was charged with rape and given 15 years. But the week after that, Georgina found out she was pregnant with a beautiful babygirl and named her Steffi. Even after what he did to her, he still let her see her father. 

20th April 2005

As Steffi always does she waits for a call from her mum so her mum knows, shes safe. But today something is wrong. Her mum hasn't called her. So she runs home. Only to find the door is open and a bloody footprint, as she slowly steps inside the house she goes into the living room. "NOOOOOOOOOO MUMMY!!!!, NOOOOOOOO MUMMY PLEASE DON'T BE DEAD PLEASE MUMMY PLEASEEEEEE!!!" Just then the phone rang Steffi went to pick it up. "Hello, please help my mummy's been stabbed" "I'm sorry to tell you but, your father died a few hours ago, he was shanked in prison." Steffi's whole world fell apart. For the first time in five years, she felt alone.

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