Foster Care

549 12 7

16th April 2016

"So what do we have for our victim?" Cragen asked. "Well first of all we checked out her story about being at a friends birthday party?, she left at 9:30 and as the party was 10 blocks away from where she was attacked, the timing was right. No DNA was found on the victim only semen, but Melinda is having trouble matching. Telling by her accent she is from London, England." "Oh really i thought she was from Australia?" Elliot looked at live smiling, liv put her middle finger up at him. "But until she's got her memory back we wont know much else"Olivia sighed "And she didn't ask for any family?" "No she said she said that her parents are out of town, and there were no witnesses from what she can recall that night."

"Well she was telling lies" John butted in as he walked in the squad room. "John first of all your late and what are you talking about?" Sorry cap but i didn't believe that parents would let there child who's just turned 16 to a party by her self with no lift home and coming at that time of night. So i did some digging on my own and no wander why she said her parents were out of town, cause there dead" Olivia went up from her desk to Munch's. "What?, let me see that!" she snatched the file out of his hand her eyes beamed as she read the file. "Liv what is it?" Elliot asked. "she lied about her name and get this, she's in foster care, she's in a foster home in queens and her surname isn't 'Cox', It's Matthews i'm sure i worked on a case with a woman whose last name was Matthews." "Never mind that, Elliot go with Liv to that Foster home to get the truth and find out why they haven't reported her missing yet" "Yes cap't" Elliot replied as he got his coat, Liv followed after. As they got in Elliot's car Olivia woudn't say a word. "Liv are you okay babe because you've been acting weirder than usual" She sighed "I got a call from the adopting agency" Elliot smiled "What did they say, i know its good news cause you would make a great mother and......." "They said no! Elliot!, they said no" She sighed while she tried to hold back her tears. "With this job, and us not being home all the time, they said i'm not foster material" Elliot stroked her cheek and looked in her eyes and whispered; "You are to me" He kissed and then started the car. "I love you" "I love you too" he smiled and began to drive.

They eventually arrived at the foster home. Liv and El got out the car. "No wander why she lied to us, this place is a dump. Maybe it was safer at the party than it would be here" Elliot knocked on the door. "Liv what else can we do, it maybe a dump but no where is safe that time of night on thursday. Before she could reply the door opens in front of them is a Caucasian woman roughly in her fifties looking rough wearing a vest top with loads of tattoos and a cigarette in her mouth. "Can i help you?" "Hi, miss Monroe?, i'm Detective Benson and this is my partner Detective Stabler, we found a young girl, who was raped last night and is currently in hospital and we've been told she belongs to this care home." She gestured them to come in, they followed her inside, which was wasn't very homely the walls were run down and the place was messy. Olivia go this uneasy feeling as she followed the woman into the living room, there were toys everywhere the room was just full of mess and dirt. "So detectives you say that you found a kid that lives here, who?" Olivia felt annoyed at the woman's attitude, how could she not know who's missing. "Steffi, Steffi Matthews" "Oh that lil brat, well I'm not surprised, I knew she was bound to be in trouble some day" "Yeah well that little brat, that's tour talking about Miss Monroe was raped last night" Elliot interrupted. "Oh boo hoo, she knew one day it was coming to her with a her British accent and her attitude" Olivia walked up to her angrily "Miss Monroe!, what's wrong with you no one deserves to be raped, your just a heartless bitch arn't you?, now if you don't mind in gonna use the loo, that's if it's even usable" Olivia walked off up the stairs to find the "toilet". As she began walking down the hall, she noticed the little kids staring at her, backing away, she smiled reassuring them, showing her badge. She then noticed a young girl hiding under table. She went over to the table, "Hello?, my name is Olivia, I'm a police officer, can you tell me your name?" The girl who looked about 8 years old first of all hesitated, but then replied. "S-Sophia" "Hi Sophia can you tell me how well you know Steffi?" She was playing with her fingers. "We share bedroom, i was the only one who talked like this until she came along about 6 years ago" "When you say you were the one that only talks like this do you mean having a british accent?" She nodded "What's it like living here?" "Not good" "Not good, how come?" "The kids can sometimes be mean to me, but when they are Steffi sticks up for me.....but then...." Olivia suddenly frowned. "But what sweetie?" "Everytime, she does that, Miss Monroe slaps her....hard" "This it happen a lot?" "Almost everyday and i also i always see these men come to the door, sometimes when i cant sleep, i sneak to the kitchen to get something to eat and Miss Monroe will always be there with them, giving them an envelope and then the next day i-i see bruises on Steffi." Olivia frowned angry at this woman "Thank you Sophia, now if you feel like your in danger or you need help please call me on this number okay?" She hands her, her business card. She nodded and smiled and waved by to Olivia. She got a call from Craigen as she came down the stairs, Miss Monroe was having a go at Stabler. "We'll be heading off now Miss Monroe." Olivia went up to her face. "But, we'll be back".

"That woman is a piece of crap!, anyway what did you find out?" He asked as he opened the door t his car. "What? i didn't find out anything" "Seriously benson, the old toilet routine?" He smiled at her and she winked. "I'll let you know when we get to the precinct. Steffi's outta hospital and she came to see us."

The Squadroom   

When Olivia and Elliot arrived at the squad room they saw Steffi sitting at Liv's desk. "Olivia!, Elliot!" Olivia looked at her disappointed. "Steffi we need to talk" "Oh okay" They led her to an interrogation room. "What's up, have you managed to contact my parents?" She said as she slowly sat down. "Well you see that's what we wanted to talk to you about" She put a piece of paper on the table from a file she had. "What's this?" "Your birth certificate, it says 'Steffi Matthews', Parents Georgina and John Matthews, also a record of your parents deaths" Steffi covered her mouth in shock. "I thought i'd left that past all behind, i changed my surname because i had to protect my self" "From what?!, how can even believe you after you've lied to me more than once and don't even start to lie to me about you not living in care because we went there today and-" "I HAD TO PROTECT MY SELF FROM THE PEOPLE WHO KILLED MY PARENTS!!!" Elliot sat down next to Olivia. "What are you on about?" Tears were streaming down her face. "My parents were murdered for a reason, and these people seem to think i know which is why they are after me, and they have been for years" She handed them a note that they had sent 5 years ago. "You have no idea, what it's like! moving from foster home to foster home for 11 years! and being the first one to find your mothers body" She began to sob "It also says in the file that your father was in prison, why?" Steffi sighed trying to stop her tears "It all started in 1998"

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