Save Me

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It had been two months since Olivia was attacked at the Correctional Facility she had been going to the counselling sessions ever since.

"Hello Olivia, how have you been?" Dr Smith said as Olivia walked into the room. Olivia sighed as took a seat on the chair. "Well if you count a missing teenager something to feel good about then no" Dr Smith gestured for her to carry on. "Okay well last week I was walking to work and i noticed this girls body lying around i went over saw possible signs of sexual assault and I called for back up. She's had such a terrible life. Her father a rapist, then going to prison and him being shanked in prison on the same day that her mom was killed an-" Olivia started to build up tears in her eyes. "She's such a bright girl, finding out her uncle was the killer of her parents is bad enough, but to find out he raped her too-" Olivia broke down. "It sounds like you've become so attached to this young girl, having her live with you and Elliot probably is one of the reason why you became so attached to this case". Olivia tried wiping her tears away. "I promised her, i said to her that we'd catch him, and now i've let her down and it's such a bad habbit of mine, and to be honest what has happened to me, i've partly forgotten it but that's all because of this case" "It's not just her though, is there anything else on your mind?" Olivia sighed and clapped er hands together. "I've always been told by my friends that I am mother material, to be honest i kept it in the dark for a long time but since this case has come along I've thought the same thing. Six Months ago I applied to adopt, but last week i found out from them that i've been rejected because of my job and-" "Do you think that your attachment to this case may be because you've thought about fostering her." Olivia hesitated to answer "Uh wow well, you know i don't know, but my old freind did ask me why I was so invested in this case and it was because like me she is a result of a rape, and I don't mention it but that's just life....Look i just want to finish this case and actually want to make a big change in someones life that will change it, not just for my sake but for theres. 

The Precinct

Olivia arrived back at the precinct the room still blazing with fellow officers still on the hunt for Steffi. Elliot was at his desk talking to Amaro while Munch and Fin were at their desks. "I see you've met Amaro, reminiscing high school embarrassing moments as i can see from those pictures you have in your hand" She said while trying to grab them off him. "Nawwh Liv you never told me you looked smoking hot as a cheer leader!" He winked. Olivia gasped as she smacked Nick over the head "Hey!, that was that day I fell on top of the mascot because i thought he was an actual bear so i tried to strangle him!" Elliot and Nick burst into laughter with Olivia feeling embarrassed. "I didn't know you were a cheerleader?" Munch asked while smiling and so did Fin, "yeah well there are somethings left to be kept a secret" She turned back to Nick and Elliot, "Oh yeah!....and Elliot" Elliot looked at her, as pulled a picture of him when he was young dressed as  a carrot. Elliot got embarrassed "Hey!" "ha ha Karma is a bitch isn't it?" Just then Olivia's cell phone rang. "Hello Detectives  Benson?"

"O-O-Olivi-a?" "Steffi? Is that you?" Elliot, Nick, Munch and Fin looked over. "P-P-Please..." "Steffi where are you?" "A-An Old A-Abandond-d T-Theatre on Third Avenue, Oh god Olivia!, Save Me!-AHHHHHH!" "Oh god Steffi?!, Steffi?!!" The Line went dead. Olivia then hit her desk hard!. "That was Steffi!, she said she's at that old abandoned theatre on Third Avenue!" They all got up and got gear. "This is Detective Olivia Benson Manhattan SVU I need a S.W.A.T Team to that Old abandoned theatre on Third Avenue, also a bomb squad!" Olivia, Elliot, Nick and Cragen all got into one car with Elliot driving, while Munch and Fin got into another. There was noise filling up the whole city. "Elliot!, Step on it!" "Liv I'm going as fast as I can-" "Well then try harder!!" They looked at each and began to speed up even more. The S.W.A.T Team arrived with the bomb sqaud. "Wait Liv, why did you call the bomb squad?" Nick asked while getting there protective gear on. "Because you heard what Emma said he's dangerous!, and plus I heard something ticking in back ground, and no clock makes that kinda ticking sound". The S.W.A.T Team bashed down the door, with Olivia and the squad first in line, they all separated, Olivia went to look in an old ticket booth. "Clea-" Suddenly she blacked out. When she woke up next to her was a young girl, wearing a SnapBack "Central Perk" T-Shirt with jogging bottoms. "Oh god! Steffi?!" Steffi was trembling in fear, she had Bruises and blood all over her face. "Olivia!, y-you f-ound m-me" Olivia now full with her surroundings looked at Steffi in horror. "What's he done to you?" Olivia asked on the verge of tears the realising that she was tied to a chair. "That doesn't matter Olivia" Olivia looked at the bloody stain in her crutch. She closed her eyes before she spoke. "He raped you again didn't he?" Steffi nodded sobbing "Yes, over....and over for two days!, oh god Olivia I just wanna die!" "Well sorry but you don't get to decide that!" Olivia and Steffi looked in front of them and saw Bruno sitting in one of the seats. He chuckled. "You know what's so fascinating about women?, your all so alike I don't know weather that turns me on or pisses me off" Olivia looked at him in disgust "You son of a bitch, your one of them who treat women as if they are property well there not. Steffi trusted you!" He laughed "She still does, don't you sweet heart?" Steffi didn't reply. "Ha! trust you!, you lost that trust the moment you even began to touch your niece in the wrong way!" He began walking up to them. "Yeah well, I know she enjoyed it" he smiled Steffi tried looking away. "You disgusting vile pig!" He then slapped her on the face. "NO! LEAVE OLIVIA ALONE!!" Steffi cried out. "Shut up bitch!!" He then lifts Olivia up by the chin. "I like 'em fiery" he whispers and then winked at her. "Your probably wandering why I'm doing this." "Because of Steffi's mom?" Bruno looked at her surprised "Oh yeah don't worry I know everything, about how your mom got married again, you never got along with your stepdad , and you were so jealous of Georgina because she was getting the most attention while you were left in the gutter-" "Shut up!!" "Nawwwh struck a nerve have I?" "You have no Idea what it was like!" "Actually I do, my mom did the same thing for years I hated my self for it" "Oh I know Olivia Benson, I've been watching you for 16 years you get around you know" he bent down to her while in her face "oh yeah I saw your shrine in your flat. But why?" "When I found out that my sister was raped, I also found out by accident that she had, had a daughter, at first I wanted to find her to tell her what really happened, but then I thought why not just kill her instead, it's what her mother would have hated" "But I don't get how I come into it" "because well your the detective that was on her case, and I knew that one day if I followed you too, it was gonna lead me to finding Steffi" "But Bruno I had no idea that Steffi even existed she never said anything to me." "Actually she did, Olivia" Olivia looked at Steffi confused. "One week before my mum died she was writing something, I didn't know what it was and I heard her stable these papers together, I never thought anything of it until, when I was 10 I decided to go and look into my file to find out if I had any family left, and in my file were adoption papers with a letter that was addressed to you and it said:

Dear Olivia
With her father in prison I don't know how I'm going to be able to cope being a single parent. I know I should have told you about Steffi, but I wanted her to be safe, from her Uncle and his Wife, which is why I want you to look after her for me, I felt safe with you during and after the rape case so I know that she'll feel safe with you she's 5 now which is the perfect age to forget about me, I don't deserve her after what I've done. Thank you for everything Olivia. The adoption papers are right at the back.

Georgina x

Steffi had read that all from memory, Olivia was shocked. "But I never received a letter!" "That's just it Olivia, she was killed before she could even send the letter."Steffi cried Olivia looked at Bruno. "Oh you must be so proud of your self?!" "Actually yeah I am because now I've got two women to mess with" "That's it!!, because you were ignored as a child you use your power over us two to make up for it, but it's much more than that, it would never turn sexual, murderous maybe, but sexual" Bruno sat down with his hand in his face. "When did it happen?" Bruno looked at her and licked his lip and crossed his arms and legs. "Just after my 7th birthday, our Mother had gone away with some Freinds so our "dad" was looking after us.... One night after dinner, i went to bed because I wasn't feel well, and well he came up to my room, and told me how good I looked, how handsome and that he wanted to see how handsome I looked under my clothes then you know what came next" Olivia sighed. "He molested you then raped you....look I'm sorry for what happened to you and no one helped you, but don't get Steffi involved in this family feud. "Sorry detective no can do! This lil bitch is product of my sister who didn't even give a shit about me, once when I told her what he did the next day, she laughed and said. "That doesn't happen to guys"  Olivia sighed, while trying to break free. "But never mind that Detective Benson, I've seen your love grown for Steffi, I mean who wouldn't she's a beautiful thing and sorry but that's all got to change" He ran up to Steffi and grabbed her Steffi screamed. "LEAVE HER ALONE, BRUNO NOOO!!!" Bruno began opening his buckle as he forced Steffi's legs open with his knees. Olivia broke down and was sobbing. "No! P-please leave her alone. Bruno then scraped Olivia's face with a knife. Olivia cried out in pain. "OLIVIA!!!" "I'm sorry Steffi I can't help you!!" Olivia sobbed even more. Bruno then inserted himself inside Steffi. Steffi didn't scream, she didn't cry. She just sat there.....frozen. Olivia froze watching not being able to bare it. He was thrusting inside her, letting out moans as he thrusted harder. "Oh El" Olivia Whispered "Please hurry up and save us" Just then before Bruno could reach his climax Elliot, Fin, Nick and Munch burst in. Olivia cried in relief. "Bruno Monroe stop watch your doing and turn around you son of a bitch!!" Bruno stopped and tried to run, Fin shot him in the leg. Bruno fell to the ground. "Olivia!" He ran up to her he saw the cuts on her face and on Steffi's he broke down in tears "E-El?" He went over to her and stroked her cheek. "Liv?" "P-please E-El, Leave me, H-help S-Steffi" she pointed to her before she lost consciousness. "WE NEED A BUS NOW!!!" Elliot went over to Steffi. "It's okay baby your gonna be okay hang on in there" he said to Steffi Softly. "E-El?, I'm so s-sorry if Olivia hadn't of f-followed me she would b-be like t-that!" She sobbed weakly. "It's okay Steffi" he said full of tears and hugged her. "It's okay" ---------------------------------------------------
OMG!!! Hope you enjoyed!! Will Liv make it? What's gonna happen with Bruno? Is Steffi gonna get justice? Will Liv Adopt her? Keep reading to find out (soon) and as usual comment your opinions or questions or things that you'd like to happen Love you all!!

-Steffi xox

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