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19th April 2016

Since finding out about the note Olivia insisted to Craigen that Steffi must be protected so she insisted on having her stay with Elliot and her for a while until they caught them. After a long night shift Elliot came to take Steffi to him and Liv's flat. Olivia hadn't come in because she had the flu. They arrived at the flat and Olivia came to open the door. "Hey El, hey Steffi" she greeted Elliot with a Kiss as Steffi walked into flat. "Sorry about the mess, i'm the one to blame" Olivia said while still in Elliot's arms addressing Steffi. She laughs. "It's alright, i'm used to that at the foster home." Steffi sighed as she went to sit down on the sofa. "Uh is it okay if i sit here?" OLivia smiled, "Of course it is don't ask silly questions." Steffi smiled faintly, "I'm sorry it's just i'm so used to actually ask for permission to sit down, let alone watch TV i just had to ask" Olivia sighed, "well you can sit and watch TV for as long as you like, and i'm gonna make some spagbowl, who wants some,?" "Really with your cooking i might as well order a Chinese!" Elliot joked Olivia gasped as if she was offended "My cooking is fantastic!" "yeah well say that to my stomach who puked up your food poisoning last week because your meat wasn't even cooked properly!" "You cheeky son of bitch" Steffi was sniggering. "Hey you!, no laughing watch what your watching!" Steffi smirked. Elliot followed Olivia into the kitchen,she began taking the food out. "I'm worried about Steffi, I mean did you hear what she said?!, she has to ask for permission to even sit down! i mean what kinda foster carer does that?!" "I know it's cruel, but its not illegal and anyway, she's safer now with us." He went up to her and hugged her from behind. "I know, i just don't know how long we can keep her safe, oh and by the way Cathy called,she said that Kathleen is coming to stay over tomorrow because she's working late tomorrow night at the bar." Elliot sighed frustrated "And she couldn't tell me her self?" Olivia sighed. "Now before you get all angry, can you please help me help me with this spaghetti?" Elliot smirked. "Only if you let me be in charge tonight?" Olivia winked at him. 

About an hour later dinner was ready, Elliot and Steffi went to sit at the table. Olivia came out a few minutes later with the food. "I'd like to present to you guys, my beautiful spagbowl!" She put the dish on the table. Elliot sniffed it "Smells good, looks good lets see if it tastes good." Olivia smacked his arm, Steffi and Elliot laughed. They began taking there portions, from Steffi's face Olivia could see that she approved and she laughed. "So Steffi about your mom and dad, do you know why the company went bust?" "Well i was told that one day these guys came in looking to sell this very valuable antique" "And how much was this very valuable antique?" Elliot interrupted. "54 Million Dollars" Elliot's eyes beamed. "So what happened next?" Olivia asked. "Well my dad payed only half of the money to them because he didn't even have more than 30 million dollars. But that left him in debt so, they were pounding him and threatening him until he payed it. B-but the night he raped my mum he was going to give them the money, but he got arrested they found out" "And they had friends in prison and let me guest they killed him?" Elliot asked. "Y-yes" "But i don't get it why did your dad become bust?" Olivia asked. "Because after he got them the rest of the money" He was broke there was no money in the accounts, but the guys never found the money he had taken out w-which is why they killed my mum and they are out to get me, but i still don't know why- wait do you think t-that's who r-raped m-e?!, Oh god!" Steffi burst into tears, Olivia came over to hug her. "I'm sorry i just can't remember who raped me!, i'm such a slut!" "Hey!, no you are not it wasn't your fault what happened you survived that's all that matters." She hugged her once again. "Go on spare toothbrush is in the bathroom cabinet and spare pj's in my draw." Olivia smiled. "Thank you, both of you." Elliot smiled as she went off to bed.

20th April 2016

Steffi woke up the next morning seeming as she was the first one up, she decided to get some peanut butter and jelly. Once she had done that she went to turn on the news. When she saw the date on the tv, she realized what today was. She began to sob. "El wake up it's 7o'clock we need to take Steffi to her school and plus we have to talk to the principal." Elliot groaned "Fine, but your driving, ugh no i'm not" she said as Elliot put on his dressing gown. He put his middle finger, up at her. As he came out he noticed, Steffi sobbing. He went over to her. "Hey kiddo what's wrong?" She turned to Elliot face full of tears. "I just miss my mum soo much, ughh my life is going so wrong for me, no one even cares" Just then Olivia came out but watched them at the door. "Hey, your allowed to miss your mom and i promise you, your life will get better and I care, and so does Liv, you mustn't think like that okay? Were here to protect you, we care" He hugged her and she went into the shower. Olivia came over and put her hand on his shoulder while Elliot had his hand on his face. "hey, you did a great job your a great father. You know how to do your job." "Thanks Liv" He pulled her onto his lap. "She just reminds me so much of Kathleen when she was going through a faise i felt like i was talking to her as if she was my own." "See that's what i love about you, even though your a hard nut, you always have a soft spot." She kissed his nose. "Now come on, time to get ready." An hour later they were all ready to leave the door. Olivia took the passenger seat, Steffi was at the back and Elliot was driving. "Uh, before we go to my school,could we stop off somewhere first." Olivia looked at Elliot. "yeah sure." He smiled at her, Steffi sighed in relief. Elliot stopped outside out side a cemetery. Steffi got out first. Olivia and Elliot went after her. They got up to a grave stone on it read:

Georgina and John Matthews

Born 11th March 1971 and 9th October 1953

Died 20th April 2005

Beloved Mother and Father

A tear escaped Steffi's eye as she put flowers on the grave. Elliot and Olivia went to out there hands on her shoulders. Olivia realized that today was 11 years since they had been killed. Olivia shed a tear suddenly the day her mum died was coming back to here.  

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