That Was My Case!

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20th April 2016

It was now 2:00pm they were still waiting for the result of the rape kit, the squad sat in silence. Thinking. "It just doesn't make any sense!, the only thing we got to find the rapist is DNA and a possible theory that the guys who killed her parents are the ones who did it." Olivia clapped her hands together, "John, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't be suspects, and anyway when the DNA gets back we'll see if the theory is fact." "Liv i know shouldn't say it but do you think, it was a racial attack?" Finn questions. "Why do you say that?" "Well you told me about what Miss Monroe said about her being British, maybe that's just what it was, a hate crime". "Absolute crap" Elliot interrupted "It's too much of a coincidence for it to be racial all of this with her parents sounds more genuine". Finn frowned at him. Olivia rolled here eyes as she got a phone call. "hello?.." "There's something were missing i know it." said John. "That was Melinda" Olivia interrupted. "She's got some news about the rape kit" Elliot and Olivia went off. "Finn come with me"  "Where are we going?" Finn said as he stood up to take his coat. "We my dear Watson are going back to school." 

Elliot and Olivia arrived at autopsy. "So Melinda you called?" "yes i did, we found a DNA match for the rape kit his name is Bruno Monroe. I also found something else you should see. Usually with a rape kit there is no relation between the rapist and victim sometimes because of the environment, this may happen in any case" Olivia looked at the charts. "So what are you saying?" "I found a match in chromosomes, if you look here you can see a match" "W-wait are you saying that Steffi is related to the perp." Melinda nodded. "Wait El, Melinda, did you say that his name was Bruno Monroe?" "yes i did, why?"  "We may have just found a family feud, thanks Melinda." They both rushed off and got in the car. While in the car they got a call from Finn. "hey Fin what's up?." "We've just left Steffi's school to speak to anyone who may have been at the party that night. and two of  her friends said they did see a man with a gun, run from the alley where Steffi was raped at around 10:00, which suggests that the rape lasted 30 minutes, and you'll never guess where he ran to?" "Where?!" Elliot shouted down the phone. "the foster home." Olivia and Elliot looked at each other. "Finn we'll fill you in later, could you call Casey and tell her to get down here now, because were actually on our way to the foster home". "Already on it baby girl." "great, see you" 

They arrived at the foster home with Casey already there. "There better be a good reason why you dragged me outta bed on a Saturday afternoon, and why did i need this search warrant" Elliot looked at her confused. "How did you get that so fast?" "Cragen called told me what was going on and so i got a warrant" Elliot smiled as Olivia went to the door and banged on it....hard. "Alright, alright im coming!, What the hell do you-" Olivia shoved the warrant in her face, as she then put on gloves and began to search the place as did Elliot. "Where are the kids Miss Monroe?" Elliot asked while looking around. " At school where they are supposed to be, ugh why can't you people just leave me alone i have enough trouble looking after 12 brats, i don't need you on my back!" "Well Miss Monroe, those 12 brats have the right be loved and cared for an-" "Who the hell are you?!" "Casey Novak District Defense Attorney, what ever you've done to these kids and what ever your hiding, we will find it" Suddenly Olivia shouted out. "El up here!!" Elliot ran up the stairs into a little girls room. Olivia held up a gun she found inside the matress. Olivia and Elliot ran down the stairs as Olivia got the cuffs out. "Miss Monroe your underarrest..." "What the hell! Get off me" "...for conspiracy of aiding and abedding a rapist you do not have to say anything it may harm your defence, anything you do say may be used as evidence, which we may rely on later in court. You have the right to an attorney...." 

They eventually arrived back at the precinct with Miss Monroe in interrogation and Olivia, Elliot, Casey and Cragen on the other side of the glass. "She is the carer of the foster home?" Liv raised her eyebrows. "I'd rather be sat in a room with Donald Trump, so you say that she married to this Bruno Monroe?, but then what is the relation between Bruno and Steffi?" "That's what were going to find out now." Olivia then walked into the room. "So you first of all you don't even give a damn when me and my partner came and told you about Steffi being raped, and now your trying to cover up what, your husband did?" Miss Monroe was tapping her feet on the floor while having her arms folded. "look ma Bruno ain't no rapist alright". "Who said anything about rape?, look the kids aren't gonna have a gun there too scared to even sit down without your permission, and don't deny it Steffi told me last night so just tell me why?" "You Don't understand!!!!, how are hard it looking after 12 kids that no one wants!, and when Steffi came things made it worse!" "Right because when she stuck up to you it made you angry didn't it for the first time in your life you didn't have complete power did you!!, so what do you do get your husband to rape her huh!!, so tell me!!! WHO IS HE TO HER!!" "SHE'S OUR NIECE!!" Miss Monroe burst into tears. "She's our niece!" 

Olivia sat down in front of her and sighed. "That Lil' brats father ruined me and ma Bruno, he stole money that wasn't his." Olivia scoffed "He didn't steal money, your husband brought an antique and he became bankrupt because of your husband!". Olivia huffed. "Which side?" Miss Monroe looked at her in confusion. "Which side of the family?!" "Steffi's mom and Bruno were brother and sister, they were the only children that their parents had, but Georgina was always the good child, a star and angel. When she got stuff?, Bruno got jack!-" "So this feud is going way back to the 70's? this is all because of jealousy?!" Miss Monroe nodded, Olivia sighed fustratedly "What happened the night Steffi was raped?" "I told you!, Bruno ain't no rapist!" Olivia looked at the glass, when Casey came storming in. "Look you've got two options, one you tell Detective Benson, what really happened that night and we might be able to cut you a deal, or you can just keep denying that Bruno didn't do anything and we'll just throw you in jail for about 5 years, so what's it gonna be?" Miss Monroe rolled her eyes "3 nights ago, there was a knock at the door, when i opened it, it was Bruno he had a gun in his hand and he was sweating and panting said that it was done, and at first i didn't know what he was taking about.... but then when i saw the scratches on his face, and i remembered him saying that it was time to sort her out and he did." Olivia looked at her in disgust. "Your both sick, you know that?!, where is he now?!" Miss Monroe shrugged her shoulders  "I don't know" Olivia slammed her hand on the table making her jump "Where?!, Is he?!" "We share a flat up in fifth avenue" 

Minutes later they had swat teams surrounding the flat. Elliot, Olivia, Fin, Munch and Cragen were all standing by the door waiting for someone to blot the door in. As they did the swat team and the squad, swarmed in and began searching. When the swat team called the all clear. El walked into a room. he turned the light on. "Liv?!, you better see this?" As Liv walked in her eyes beamed!, there were pictures of Steffi going back ten years, her mum 16 years and Olivia 16 years too. "he's been following us for so long, this must date back through 16 years. She then looked closely at the picture of Steffi's mum. She recognised her. "El, now i remember her we worked on her case, remember." "But that was in 1999, which means that..." "Steffi is a product of the rape." 

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