Why Are You So Invested In This Case?

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22nd April 2016

It has been two days since they raided Bruno's flat, with no such luck. With Steffi suspended for a few days, and Bruno was no where to be found. Olivia felt like she was gonna loose this case. She sat at her desk. looking over at Elliot's desk, he was gonna be a conference for the week o she would be put with a substitute partner but sh already missed him. She went through her draw and began to examine the note that Steffi had received. Munch then came up behind her. "Your not gonna suddenly know where the note came from if you keep looking at that note you know." Olivia smiled "I know, but it's driving me crazy not knowing where Bruno is i just wanna catch that son of bitch." Munch sat on the edge of her desk. "You mustn't get too involved you know what happens when you do" Olivia looked up at him. "But Munch it has gotten personal this whole case is personal, it's family, look all i want is for Steffi to get justice and to live the rest of her life as happy as she deserves". "But that's what i want not just for Steffi, but for others too. Anyway why you so invested in Steffi" She got up from her seat. "Munch it's my job to be invested." "Typical Liv always getting involved" a voice said from behind. When Olivia turned around she saw a man standing wearing a suit with and a trench coat. She then smiled and realized who it was, she jumped out of her seat and went to hug him. "Nick!, it's been so long!" "Yeah!, 18 years, your looking good for 18 years Liv" She chuckled "You can say that" Fin coughed as if to enlighten him and munch. "Ahhh Munch, Fin this Detective Nick Amaro, a fellow Brother a high school we were also in the academy together" Much and Fin shook his hand. "Nice to meet you guys" Just then Steffi came running into the Precinct with something in her hand, she looked so worried,Fin stood beside Munch. Olivia ran up to her. "Sweetie what's happened?" "They've found me Olivia, they've found me" Tears streaming down her face. "Come on sweetie, sit down" She sat her down in her chair. "Oh and this is Nick Amaro he's my partner till El gets back" She waved at him and he waved back. "Now Steffi, tell me what happened" She calmed her self down as she spoke. "I went out to the shop to get some milk to make some cereal, i thought i saw someone follow me, so once i got the milk i ran back to the flat. The next thing i see, is a note and a letter f-from..." Olivia lifted her face up softly from her chin. "Who sweetie?" "VICE" She sobbed "What?" Olivia looked at the note and the letter.  Amaro then looked at Steffi . "Liv she's bleeding!" Olivia looked her arm "Honey, what happened?" "I- i d-don't know he must of...." Steffi suddenly collapsed. "I NEED A BUS NOW!"

Mercy General

Olivia sat beside Steffi's bed but she had fallen asleep. "here you go" Amaro said handing Liv a coffee waking her up. "Ah thanks" she sipped the coffee then laid back in the chair. "So what's the story with you and her then?" Olivia looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" "Well why was she at your flat?" "Nick she's been staying with me me and Elliot have been protecting her because the people who killed her father and mother ten years ago are out to get her as well, what's it got to do with you" "Liv all i'm saying is, you know that bringing work home with you can make you go all soft and invested". Olivia stood up in front of him annoyed. "Nick!, this girl has been through hell, her father a rapist, then her mother and father killed and to top that off, she was raped by her own uncle!, so don't judge me and tell me about taking work home with me because you have no idea what it's like!" "Liv why are you so invested in this case, you know it's not good for your reputation-" "I don't give a damn about my reputation, the only thing i care about is Steffi and others like her who have been in this situation!. "But this one particularly, you seem dazed, please Liv why-" "BECAUSE SHE'S JUST LIKE ME!!" Nick retreated realizing what liv was talking about.

17th July 1987

Olivia had kept the secret all through high school until the two girls who have been bullying her since she first started, as they saw her mum drunk once and she revealed about her being raped and Olivia being the product of that. 17 year old Nick noticed Olivia had walked out of the sports hall. He followed and eventually found her on the stairs. Crying. "Liv what's up?" Olivia's face was full of tears. "Kevin dumped me!" Nick looked at her angry as he held her in his arms. "he did what?!" Olivia began wiping her tears away, but still sobbing. "h-he found out something so terrible about me from the sisters. he called me a mistake and my mom a slut it was horrible!" Nick sighed. "Liv what did the sisters say to him?" Olivia didn't say anything He then pulled away from the hug. "Liv?" "17 years ago, my mom was raped and she had a baby." Nick looked at her confused. "I was the baby Nick!, I was that baby" She sobbed in Nicks arms he kissed the top of her head as they sat on the stairs for ages.


Hey guys sorry the chapter was so short but i wanted to get to the main part about VICE and about them finding Bruno. But i thank you guys for sticking with my story i love you all!! Make sure to comment and suggestions or ask any questions!! I'll be uploading one chapter every night or if I'm lucky one in the day and then one at night like I did yesterday.


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