5 Years Later....

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"Noah, hurry up your sister will be here soon with your Niece and Nephew!" Olivia shouted from her bedroom. Elliot was in the shower, and Noah was messing about on his Ipad not even dressed with his clothes on the bed. Olivia walked in. "Noah! for heaven sake i thought you would have been ready by now." Noah quickly put the Ipad down. "Sorry Mommy, i'm just sooo tired." Olivia sighed and bent down to help him get his t-shirt on. "I know you are hunny, but please do what i ask next time, okay?" Noah Nodded. She kissed him on his cheek and then went into her room to find a pair of shoes to wear. Elliot finally got out of the shower and headed towards the bedroom. He was wrapped in a towel, and walked into Olivia finding shoes. She turned round and smirked she stood up and walked towards him. "Well hello there sexy, how can I help you?" Elliot laughed "Actually you can help me by...."he grabbed her by the waist, and began kissing her passionately. Pushing her onto the bed while still having his lips on hers. Olivia moaned as inserted himself inside of her he thrusted for a for minutes until he came. Making Olivia do the same in the process.

"Right are we all ready?" Olivia asked Noah who was in the back seat and Elliot was in the drivers seat. "Yes mommy!" Noah shouted. "Right then, let's go" Elliot began to drive.

Play Centre 

"Alex stop hitting your big brother, otherwise grandma won't be getting you any treats today!" Steffi shouted running over to he kids. She started crying. "Oh come here baby" Steffi picked her up and cradled her. Steffi couldn't wait to see Olivia to tell her about the Police Academy. "Grandma Liv!!" Chris shouted as he saw, Olivia, Elliot and Noah walk in. He ran up to them Elliot was the first to hug him. "Hey bud, how you doin' ?" "I'm good grandpa El, I got an award at school yesterday for being the nicest boy in my class!" Elliot smiled "that great bud!, where's your mom?" He pointed to Steffi, who then waved at them. Noah was holding Olivia's hand as they went up to Alex and Steffi. "Hey Steffi..." She greeted her with a hug "hey mum" Steffi smiled. "How have you been?" Olivia asked her while letting go of Noah's hand so he could play with Chris. "I've been good, Same  old, same old" Olivia smiled. "And Hello to you too Alex...." Olivia cooed, Alex smiled. Steffi handed her over to Olivia. "Do you know who I am?" "Gandma Liv!!" Alex giggled Olivia tapped her nose. "That right!! Clever girl!" Steffi smiled as she gestured for Olivia to sit with her, while Olivia still had Alex with her and sat her on her lap. "So how have you and dad been while i've not been living with you guys?" Olivia sighed. "We've been okay i guess, with Noah it's  handful though but El's been working late a lot recently and to be honest i thin Cragen is going easy on me because of Noah."  Steffi looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" "He's going soft on me because i have my own child, he treats me as if I've changed, to be honest i'm wandering if i have." Steffi rested her head on Olivia's shoulder. "Your still the same to me" Olivia smiled. "Anyway....what's been going on with you, hows Tyler." Steffi scratched her head awkwardly. "What?....what's happened?" Steffi coughed. "Okay well, Me and Tyler w-we broke up" Olivia's eyes beamed as she let Alex go and play because she didn't want to talk about her dad in front of her. "Well he was supposed be looking after the kids one night, but while the kids were asleep, he was banging another girl who used to go to my school!" Steffi calmed herself down remembering where she was. "Steffi...i don't know what to say" Steffi sighed. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything, at least I've got the Academy to distract me" "Did you tell the kids? How did they take it?" Steffi looked over at Chris. "Well when I told Chris that me and his dad aren't together anymore he did cry, and Throw tantrum but after awhile he accepted it....and Alex well she's just too young to understand, but I do let them see him which is more than enough I can do for him." She said wiping her tears, Olivia hugged her. "Come on now sweetie, you know you've always got me and El" She said kissing Steffi on the top of her head. Steffi giggled as she looked up at El playing with kids. "Haha he's a natural, and you best make sure that my lil brother keeps dad in check you know" Olivia laughed. "I will and make sure you raise my grand children-" just then she got a call. "Hello....." El noticed and brought the kids over. "Okay, Fin Battery Park? Right be there in half an hour." Olivia cut off the phone. "I'm sorry but we gotta go" "case right? I understand dot worry, it happens all the time at the academy." "You sure?" Steffi nodded. "Right El better get him to Lucy and-" "Oh no wait, I'll look after him he is my brother after all" Olivia turned round. "You sure?, I men's you have two kids already, but a third to look after-" "Mum honestly it's not trouble and anyway, it may be that way soon..." She mumbled the last part." What?" Olivia asked while getting her coat on. "Nothing it's okay, I'll tell you later, now hurry up!!! Don't want to keep Cragen waiting!" She miles as she stood up to hug, Olivia and Elliot. They then made there way out of the play center.

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