Chapter 5 Blood Bound No More?

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Venus hand instantly touched the place where she knew her mark was. Her eyes widened with disbelief, it wasn't there!

How on earth did it happen? She asked herself silently. Her guess was as good as the others.

"You are free now Marcus, the blood bond was no more. I think her purification released both of you," Queen Sylvie stated after few moments of silence.

"If that is the case then it is good for Venus, one burden taken off of her shoulders. If you will excuse me, I will see you all later. I need to feed." Without sparing Venus a glance, Marcus sped out of the room faster than a bullet train. The rest were left bewildered by his behavior.

"I should go and talk to him," Vee folded her wings and started to head towards the door when master Xerxis blocked her way.

"Let him be for now, hon. You can talk after he fed and cleared his mind. Sometimes, giving space is more needed." Mistress Vulca said. She stood beside Xerxis, their exchange of a meaningful look was never left unnoticed by Vee's observant eyes but she chose to let the topic go for now. She was more concerned about Marcus.

"I will go after him, just to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I will take my leave," Rufus said then bowed to them before stepping out of the chamber.

"But how? That was really meant to happen? How about my bond to Aldrik?" Venus she asked as soon as Rufus was out of sight. She looked at them one by one.

"All will be answered in time, dear. You need to focus on your training. You are two years behind," master Balto told her when her gaze landed on him.

"So having all this trouble of pain and suffering have some perks, right? Say! I'm like really powerful now that I have this awesome wings? It won't be a problem catching up, yeah?" Famous Venus lines coming through! It really did ruined her angelic effect as she bobbed her head up and down expecting a positive response.

Master Ronheild chuckled before he spoke, "child, you still have to train hard to be powerful. No shortcuts."

Upon hearing this, Venus pouted. "Yeah, yeah I get it. More hardwork," she waved her hand on the air in a gesture saying forget it. Then she added, "hmp! what's the use of being 'The Pure One'. You are powerful yada yada. My goodness! Throw a sorcerer in front of me now and I'm sure as hell that I will run away. Am I still allowed to swear? You know, being angel and all." Her babbling was interrupted by the loud laughters from her audience.

"Goddess, Vee! Slow down!" Daphne said to her between chortles.

Venus huffed then walked towards a chair beside the bed but then again she couldn't sit down because of her wings, "Umm, do you have any idea how to make this disappear?" She asked embarrassed, pointing to her back.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. Nobody here is a angelicum, child." Queen Mystyq told her.

"Just great! Another list added to my do it yourself manual! So how do you do it like... Wings your dismissed!" She was lost musing to herself as she paused to feel her back but when nothing happened she added, "fold wings!" Still nothing. She opened her mouth, about to try another command when Queen Sylvie spoke.

"Why not try to ask it inward. Like when you evoke the pull."

"Yeah! Makes sense. Thanks!" she beamed at her then closed her eyes and commanded inwardly.

Wings I order you... Go Away! Ummm... Only for now, okay? Not forever.

It is not done this way. The voice inside her mind told her. Recognition automatically made her giddy and excited.

You're back uncle!

I never left. The moment you became a part of us through spirit then anytime you want, you can talk with us this way.

Wicked! So how do I do it then? I mean my wings.

Simple. Just push your shoulder blades inwards like in slouching manner. When you need it out, you push your shoulder blades outwards, breast out, not fisting your hands. You were lucky you made yourself look taller earlier when you tried it first time. You pushed it outwards unknowingly.

Woah! How you knew that I thought it was fisting that made it come out?

I am inside your mind. A part of your soul. You need to know one important thing, child. Your blood bond is not fully severed. In your angelicum form, it is gone but when you return to your former self, the mark will be back.

What do you mean? Venus was really confused.

You will return when you diminish your wings. And vice versa. Your physical aspects also will but you have to learn to infuse both so you will learn to utilize your powers on both genes at the same time otherwise you will have two persona.

Ummm, okay. Slow down a little. I only get it slightly. Could you repeat it again?

It's so easy but we will dumb it down for you! The pull's voice ringed in her head interrupting her conversation.

Wait! Now I have a three way convo?! Wow! Hey! Did you just said I'm dumb, you stupid pull?!

Language child! You can say anything you want outside the physical but in here have a common courtesy. Now stop arguing with your power. I see that you still haven't got their reigns. You have to infuse all if you want to attain your full capabilities otherwise all will just be a wasted effort. Her uncle said to her before his connection disappeared, leaving a static-like humming inside her brain.

Wait! Why you guys always leave me to figure things out by myself when it's very clear that it's not my side of expertise. Freaking annoying. Come back!!!

Didn't you just admitted that you're dumb? Her pull teased her.

Shut up! I will make you bend to my will soon! She spat angrily.

We'll see about that... Is that a challenge? Make us! With that parting words, the pull's connection disappeared as well, its reverberating laughter-an exact replica of her own laughing voice-left Venus seething in rage.

She concentrated more harder to reconnect again. She was stubborn to let them go just like that and let them have the last laugh. No way! Not on her account. She reached deep inside her in a full concentration until she felt a strong barrier pushing her out.

Ah! This is its gonna be, huh?! Wait till I break this stupid, lame barrier down!  She shouted to it angrily. She will penetrate the barrier or die trying. She was fuelled with anger as she blindly pushed all her will in a tug of war of dominance inside her deepest thoughts.

She was about to give up when she felt something helped her push. Something powerful and pure.

Who are you? What is this?

I am your angelicum powers at your service. You've kindled my curiosity and touched me by your perseverance. I will serve your side. The voice was soft and relaxing. It was compelling.

Thank you. I will talk to you later but for now, there is something behind this barrier that needs to be taught a lesson. Push!

With one strong shove. The blockage disintegrated into thousand of small flickering lights. It dissolved instantly. The other side was in total darkness. Venus had a feeling that it was not the pull behind all of this but something dark and scary.

She was about to turn around when a soft, sad voice spoke...

Who is there? Please someone, I felt you enter. Help me...

Her eyes widdened as she abruptly faced the darkness again. Her voice trembled, eyes welled in tears.

Where are you? Speak to me! This is Venus! She asked in panic, consumed in fear and uncertainty. Her eyes busy in finding any sign of movement from the shadows.

Thank God! Venuscha! I AM HERE, MY DAUGHTER!

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