Chapter 6 Tangled Love Stories

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Dedicated to XxMagicFlamexX Thank you so much for my cover. You're really kind. I put credits on my blurb as well.


They all retreated outside of Venus chamber to let the poor girl rest. She just closed her eyes to concentrate on diminishing her wings but she collapsed from over exhaustion, luckily her wings disappeared before she hit the bed.

The rest of their company scattered hurriedly into their own responsibilities and trainings leaving the two couples who agreed to run a hasty meeting before proceeding on their different chores.

"So, master Xerxis, finally we are expecting a bonding ceremony. How does it feel?" Sylvie asked Xerxis while the four of them walked towards the office chambers. Calling him master was something she missed to do. She was once his subordinate while Vulca was under Ronheild.

"It feels great, actually. Not just the upcoming bonding but this..." Xerxis answered. He halted from his steps when he gestured to the four of them as 'this' then continued speaking, "the four of us finally like this again.

Vulca smiled upon hearing this. The two proceeded in their discussion but she was lost in her memories. Theirs began when they all became bestfriends.

A year after their start of training as subordinates for the formidable duo--Masters Ronheild and Xerxis.

"Aren't we just lucky to have them as masters? They are well known for their powers and abilities plus they're bestfriends like us!" Vulca dreamily said to Sylvie.

"I don't like where our conversation is going, Vulca. In my opinion, they are too young to be masters and apparently one is a head master at that." Sylvie was indignant of being chosen by the pull. Her kingdom needs her.

"Just like how young you are to be a queen, Sylvie?" Vulca raised her brows at her.

"I had no choice, I'm the last of the royal bloodline after the war," she stubbornly insisted, having no faith on the capacity of the said masters. Being born naturally powerful, Sylvie was raised to be a typical royalty, snobbish and arrogant. Only Vulca was able to penetrate her walls since they were sharing a sleeping chamber. Actually, Vulca was her only friend.

"Exactly my point! So did they! I think my master is into you. And gosh! Could we change places? Your master is ruggedly hansome and sexy! Yummy! My Xerxy!" Vulca gushed, she buried her face on her pillow and shrieked like a love sick puppy.

"I rest my case then," Sylvie sighed. Her bestfriend is a psycho. For all she knew, Vulca could be stalking her master like crazy. Hopeless case!

"Vulca, your smiling like an idiot. Care to share your thoughts?" She was pulled back to reality when Sylvie elbowed her. Her whisper was enough trigger for her to burst out laughing. They were like teenagers again. Ahhh, those were the days.

"You two, suppress your abnormalities until we reach the office chamber. If anyone will see us now, they would think that we are a bunch of clowns, unfit to lead." Xerxis said in a hushed tone but his eyes were dancing with mirth. How he missed this, their comfortable camaraderie. He wouldn't trade this for anything in the world, not again anyway. He remembered the day when he did...

Second year of training for their subordinates--Sylvie and Vulca...

"So may the best man win?" Ronheild told him in his usual fair and square attitude. They just both found out their feelings for the same girl--Sylvie. Eversince they set foot on Phoenicia, they became rivals on everything but their friendly competitions didn't hinder their friendship. They were best of friends until the day they graduated.

His defeat to Ronheild from the head master position carved a deep wound inside him. How could the blue flame chose Ronheild instead of him when in all aspects he was on top of him. It was a close fight but nevertheless, he was a better choice. He lost to him once, he won't let his love be lost too. He plotted a plan he thought was foolproof.

Xerxis, befriended Vulca up to the point the girl considered him as bestfriend but never once did he informed her that he was inlove with Sylvie. He saw how was Vulca's feelings for him but he just led her on, used her to be closer to Sylvie.

He was devastated when the pull chose, yet again, to bond Ronheild and Sylvie. He didn't paid any mind on how he broke Vulca's heart but then again she still stayed beside him through his heartbreak. Trying to help him pick up his broken pieces, one by one, in exchange of her own. Hoping that one day, he would wake up and see her in a different light.

By the time, Sylvie got pregnant. Xerxis finally landed the full blow on Vulca's cracked heart, he shattered it into pieces without remorse. He left her for a new lover like a garbage without value. Since his plot was not in anyway successful, it was time for him to end the charade. But was his plot really foolproof?

No, a big fool he was. That was what it was. The moment he realized he was inlove with Vulca was the moment he lost her. He wanted to ask forgiveness on both women but not long after Sylvie gave birth... She disappeared without trace, leaving all of them in a chaotic mess. A tangled love story that lasted almost two decades...

For years, the three of them were lost into their own world of lost, misery and regret. It was only by the time Sylvie came back that they were finally able to mend the broken pieces. Their wounds were healed through time...

"And now, you're the one lost. What's up with you two?" Ronheild was chuckling when he tapped Xerxis shoulder since he was standing outside the opened door of the office chamber staring into empty space.

"Nah! Just had some reminiscing. It's quite enjoyable, you might want to try it." Xerxis replied jokingly. He clicked his tongue upon entering to see the two woman were chatting like teenagers while giggling.

"Look at us, Xerx. I never thought that a time like this would actually come again," Ronheild said in a far away voice as his eyes were fixed lovingly to his queen.

"Indeed, Ronnie..." he replied. He pressed Ronheild shoulders for comfort.

"You two! Come here! I need to tell all of you the agenda of this meeting," Sylvie changed into serious mood all of a sudden. This peaked all their attention since the queen never use this no non-sense attitude on them if it was not a matter of great importance.

"Okay, we're all ears. Spill the beans," Vulca said in a very curious tone.

"You all saw the crystals on Venus forehead?" she asked them while she eyed them one by one. They all nodded at her in response as she continued, "the opaque temple had choosen its new mistress!" Sylvie declared hastily which left the three stunned by the news.

"B-but, but that's impossible! Those crytals are too powerful for her! She could die trying to tame them!" Vulca was filled with anxiety and fear.

"Then we need to let Mystyq evoke her sorceress genes..." Ronheild said in a grave voice. This was yet another huge feat for Venus to face. Poor child! She was not even given a bit longer reprive...

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