Chapter 12 Where The Heart Is

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Venus and Aldrik ended up on the maze outside the Academy where Venus was lost years before. It was one of her fondest memories but as true as the word was. . . It's really just a memory now. 

"I know I have to face this problem sooner or later so I think, why not sooner?" She started uncertain, giving Aldrik an estimated look. 

"Look, you don't have to do this now. Take your time, I know it's hard but we'll deal with it one at a time." Aldrik persuaded her otherwise. 

He felt it. 

He was afraid of it. 

Aldrik knew deep inside that what would come next was not going in his favor and he didn't know how to deal with it. Not Venus, he loves her too much just to let go. He failed her a lot of times but to really think of it, he was just a victim. Aldrik never wanted to be away from her, never wanted to hurt her. Being spellbound to someone else unwillingly was something so awful that anyone had to go through. He felt weak and until that very moment he still blamed himself for being susceptible to such evil magic. 

"I have to. . . Rather, I want to." Her reply was almost a whisper. She was having a hard time finding the right words to say. Venus didn't want to hurt Aldrik in any way but fate made a bad joke to the three of them. A very cruel joke. 

"Please inamorata. Try to think a bit more time." The pleading and sorrow in Aldrik's voice made her cringe. It broke her heart into a million tiny pieces. She knew that he felt it otherwise he won't be close to begging right now. It was their bond. They both feel each others feelings and it was like dying a thousand times. 

Venus tears poured uncontrollably. Her sobs broke out, full of despair and pain. She didn't want this to happen but it did. "I'm so sorry," was all she could muster. 

Aldrik looked at her miserable state and sighed. His own tears flowed like river as he mourned silently. He asked, "Please do tell me."

"I'm so sorry, Aldrik."

"I know. Please. . ." His face contorted from trying to stop himself from feeling the intense pain inside his chest. He looked up the sky as he waited for the words that would tear him apart. Was he ready to accept it? Will he just give it up, then?

"I don't know how it happened. I don't even have any idea when it happened. Maybe it was the times that he never left my side no matter what. Maybe it was when he never gave up even he knew I love someone else. . ." Her voice trailed off as she looked at Aldrik. His head was tilted up towards the sky, eyes tightly closed and face wet with tears. Her heart feels like a hammer just smashed it from the heartbreaking sight. 

"Go on." He softly urged without moving an inch. His breath was held on his throat. 

". . .It made me realize that, what I felt for you was purely admiration. You are what I imagined a prince charming would be like. A perfect example of a man that would sweep me off my feet and you did. For quite some time but Marcus' love slowly made its way to my heart undetected. I wasn't aware of it. Until his mother barged in and announced for him to be bonded to someone else. I couldn't accept it. I was devastated."

This time, Aldrik looked back to her and their eyes locked, "And when I was with Letticia. . . or Cassia I mean?"

"I---I was hurt but Marcus was there, he helped me move on. Before you feel bad about it, I still loved you even after then. I know it was not your choice. Maybe that's the reason why my pull chose you, but whatever the reason was, I know it was purely on instinct to save you." She peeled her eyes away, she couldn't bear the intensity of his stare. It breaks her heart more to see the love he have for her on those misty sapphire orbs that bores deep into her soul. 

After all was said and done, Aldrik knew that there was nothing he could do to keep her with him. "All I need is for Marcus to prove himself to you. That's all I ask and I will let you go."

"I don't know about that. Maybe he won't even look at me again after what I done to his mother. Can we please make this decision a secret, for now? Don't let anyone know especially Marcus? Can you do that for me?"

"Of course, anything you ask. I will stay bonded to you as long as you don't consummate with Marcus. But why Venus, with the knowledge that he might not love you back, why insist?"

She smiled at him knowingly and simply stated, "Won't you?"

Aldrik stared at her for a few minutes. He don't have to answer it. They both knew the answer. Venus changed a lot. Somehow, somewhat, she matured. "Can I ask you a favor too?" He asked afterwards. 

Venus felt it through the bond---what he wants---so before he could ask again, she nodded and stated, "Yes, my answer is yes. I give you the same chance as I gave to Marcus. Until I complete the bond. . ." she paused and forced herself to look at him again. ". . .Love is where the heart is, until then, we wait to know what fate has in stored for us."

After their talk, they walked hand in hand back to the academy but they were surprised to see Marcus waiting for them at the entrance. His eyes turned red the moment it landed on their intertwined hands. He came back as soon as he set his mother on her bed wanting to clear things up with Venus and this was what he got. Marcus wanted to tell her that he was not his mother's puppet, that he would never get angry with her but their holding hands changed everything for him. 

The green eyed monster finally caught up with him---it was the dead end. It made him realise that he was fighting a losing battle since the beginning. His mother was right, if he really love Venus, he must let her go. He was holding her back because Venus didn't want to hurt him. Marcus thought he was being selfless by loving her no matter what---for not giving up. But the truth was. . . He was very selfish for not letting go, for not letting Venus be happy when it was as clear as the sun that she was in love with Aldrik from the start. So, for once, he decided to let her be and do the right thing. 

Marcus' decision was made right then and there as he spoke, "I was looking all over for you." His eyes bored into Venus'. It turned back to its cerulean blue color as he learned to accept his truth---his fate. 

"M---Marcus, it's not what you think." Venus stammered at his sudden cold shoulder and pulled her hand away from Aldrik's grip. 

Marcus gave her an empty smile then shrugged. He locked gaze with Aldrik as he spoke arrogantly, "It doesn't matter. I just came back to tell you that I'm bonding with Princess Animone soon."

Just mere seconds that the name of Rufus' sister came out of his lips, Venus terrified scream echoed throughout the place. 


Aldrik set Marcus on fire and burned him alive. . .

Aldrik lips were set on a thin line. He was beyond angry. No one messes with him and definitely not with Animone---she's a bad omen. 

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