Chapter 40🔥 Confrontation & Love

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"Rufus, will you let me explain myself now?" Agnus ambushed him inside their sleeping chamber closing the door behind him immediately after he came in. It was the first time since they came back to the Academy that he was able to catch him alone. As far as he knows, that was his only chance to come clean with his friend.

"Agnus," Rufus' back stiffened as he stood motionless on the foot of his bed facing the opposite direction of the chamber's entrance. He wasn't expecting company until a few hours later thinking that Agnus was still assigned to assist at the healing chamber.

Agnus stepped forward as slowly as he could muster, afraid that he might be overstepping Rufus' personal space and upset him for showing himself unannounced. It was clear that he was avoiding to be alone with him since they came back.

"Will you listen?" Agnus pushed his luck when Rufus remained silent.

Rufus sighed, it seemed that he could no longer delay the inevitable confrontation. He took a long raspy breath then turned around to face his faerian roommate. Icy blue orbs locked with sapphire blue eyes, one was hard and accusing while the other one was soft and pleading.

"I can listen but I can't guarantee in believing," Rufus was clearly not ready to talk. His suppresed anger could be sensed clearly on his tone.

But Agnus was more than ready to take his wrath as long as he could let him know his side besides deep down inside he knew that Rufus still cared for him as a friend. That was the only reason for his bold attempt of forcing a conversation between them. The fact that he didn't rat him out to others gave him the courage to stack the odds in his favor.

"It's more than enough for me," Agnus retorted waiting for a go signal to start.

Rufus didn't believe the sincerity from Agnus but he chose to remain passive. He gestured for him to start his piece through a simple wave of his hand as he seated himself at the edge of his bed.

"I was a coward. I got really scared that I wasn't thinking clearly anymore," Agnus started. He looked guilty and remorseful.

"It only speaks that your untrustworthy. How can I be comfortable to let Daphne's safety in your incapable hands? Or anyone's life for the matter? In battle, you don't leave men behind much more a friend behind." Rufus eyes turned coal black that made Agnus flinch nervously from where he was standing.

"I'm sorry," Agnus peeled his eyes, he couldn't bear the intensity and fear creeped like cold thorny vines in his spine just by staring on those cold, bottomless onyx orbs.

"Is that all you have to say? Are we done?" Rufus rose from his position, he wore a bored expression, unimpressed and impatient.

"For whatever its worth, I didn't left you being afraid of my life. No, not that. I could lay down my life to any of you anytime. You're the closest family I could ever have." Agnus said in a small voice. He sniffed and let out a nervous laugh to hide his regrets and sadness. It was his defense mechanism to stop himself from emotional breakdown. He stepped aside to give way for Rufus who seemed restless to walk away. He secretly wiped a lone tear that cascaded his sullen face.

Rufus stood immobile from where he was standing staring at Agnus. He was internally arguing to himself whether it was wise to continue listening to him. All the things that Agnus tried to hide didn't escape the demon's watchful pitch-black eyes though believing on those actions was yet another matter to contemplate on his part.

The demon turned his back on him then asked, "your point is?" His curiously won over him plus the fact that he still believed that Agnus deserved a chance to redeem himself. Not everyone gets the chance to be considered as his friend. No, not with a demon like him. Friendship was never an easy feat to earn with him that was why he was hesitating since Agnus earned that spot a long time ago.

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