Chapter 11 The Power Within

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"Preposterous! Is this some act of building a rift against my kingdom?" Ronheild's sudden outburst created a thick veil of uneasiness inside the chamber. 

"I do not act as a Queen but as a mother in which anyone of you will do the same for their child. It is imperative that I must make a course of action under unfair circumstances. I do not ask of your approval but I'm merely announcing the decision out of respect for our kingdom's treaty." Adelaide answered without flinching at the display of authority showed by the Phoenicia's King. She was holding her ground firmly. A quality that most of them in the room knew about her. 

The display of affection of a mother for her son---though not seen physically due to her expressionless facade---touched Sylvie's heart to the very core. She too knew deep inside that Adelaide was right. She would move mountains for the sake of her own child. She couldn't find anything to blame the Vampiric Queen for her drastic measures---even if would be a big threat for the treaty of the councils. Princess Animone was banned from the Phoenician Realm and treaty years ago after her engagement with Prince Aldrik was broken. 

Sylvie's thoughts were cut by the reply of Venus, "With all due respect your highness, but isn't it Marcus' own decision? Arranged marriage? I never thought it would be possible in this realm."

"You are not allowed to address me directly if you're not spoken to. But to indulge in your rather pathetic attempt of keeping your hold on my son, yes, it is possible as long as I deem it necessary. Marcus is not capable to decide for himself due to the blood bond. It hinders his common sense." Adelaide spat at her, giving Venus the most intimidating look she'd ever seen. It made her uncomfortable but she hardly realized how did she manage not to squirm under the queen's scrutinizing red orbs which were solely focused at her own lavender ones. 

All Venus knew that she must not let it happen. She didn't even paused to comprehend what was she doing or how she really feel. Her instincts were the ones that directed her actions as she spoke, "I'm the one involved in this problem so I have all the rights to speak up my mind, allowed or not allowed by a snobbish royalty such as yourself. Marcus is a very good guy so I guess he got it from his father? I believe he's not a child anymore to have his mother to tell him what to do."

Because of  Venus' bold words, the pressure lifted as the rest of the audience chuckled but then again they all made their different ways of covering up their reactions---some faked a cough while some cleared their throats---when Adelaide gave them a warning look. It was the first time they saw Adelaide actually displayed an emotion as her face scrunched up in disgust and rage. Her perfect porcelain doll-like pale features turned red from suppressed anger. It was a rare occurrence. The Vampiric Queen was well-known for her emotionless face no matter what happens. Only Venus managed to get into her skin. 

"How dare you? What have my son seen in you, insolent child! I will never allow you to be with Marcus!" Adelaide was fuming as she yelled at Venus which shocked her audience even more. Nobody was able to stop what happened next when Venus suddenly was choked by the Queen with her bare hands. But it only lasted a minute, as fast as Adelaide attack came Venus' defense. They were more awed when she was not only able to free herself from Adelaide's deadly grip but send her flying across the room. She landed hard in a messy heap creating a hole on the wall from the strong impact. 

Venus looked beyond furious. Her two gigantic wings were spread outwards in all its glory---enveloped in a dazzling glittering white light. She grew on a towering height of fifteen feet almost reaching the ceiling. Her long golden hair floating, and her body emitting a white smoke. She looked ethereal. A full vision of an angry Angelicum. It was a sight that was not seen before too.

"Bring it on, bitch!" Her voice even changed as she challenged her opponent. It was alluring and compelling but it had a cold shiver laced into it. A kind of feeling that would send anyone on their knees just hearing it. It was beyond scary to think that an army of this kind would wage a war on them. It would be a losing battle on their side. No matter how powerful they are, they realized one thing as they looked awestruck to the Angelicum in front of them. They were just a speck of dust compared to these majestic beings. They have to do their best to avoid the incoming war at all costs. 

Adelaide was cowering by the power that subdued her. She couldn't explain the kind of fear she feels from the aura that Venus was sending her way. She was shivering and shaking without control. She felt horrible since it was the first time she really felt an uncontrolled terror. She couldn't even utter a single word. 

"What's happening here?" Marcus all of a sudden bolted inside the chamber. His eyes grew wide as soon as it landed to Venus but then again his gaze travelled towards where she was gazing and found his mother in a pitiful position. Tears were flowing endlessly on her face with her body shuddering from unseen force that embodies her. 

Marcus was beside his mother in a split of a second but he was stopped three feet away from her with an invisible barrier. "Venus! Please stop, my inamorata! She's my mother!" His pleading voice was the only thing that penetrated through Venus' haze. Her power seeped back within her as she transformed back to her old persona. She slumped down on her knees and sobbed on her hands. 

"I'm so sorry Marcus. I don't know what got into me. I was too much angry and I couldn't control it. I'm so sorry." She cried and asked forgiveness without looking to his direction. 

"It's alright. I will just bring my mother back to our realm, will be back in a few days time. Masters, mistress, your highnesses, I will take my leave." Marcus said in a solemn voice as he guided his mother out through the hole in the wall after addressing the still stunned audience. He didn't even pause for a reply. His red orbs indicated his suppressed anger, but Marcus' could not really pinpoint to whom he was angry about. Was it his overprotective mother, his beloved inamorata or his stupid self? 

Venus sad lavender orbs trailed behind the two retreating backs. She couldn't believe what she has done. How could Marcus forgive her now from hurting his mother? 

"Inamorata? Are you alright?" Aldrik's voice distracted her self-musings. She felt his one hand hold her arm and the the one on her back as he helped her stand up. It was the touch that once made her heart leap from happiness. A touch that was long forgotten. A distant memory. 

Venus shifted her gaze to his sapphire blue ones and said, "We need to talk. Alone. I'm sorry everyone but we need to go somewhere." She turned to her spectators for a brief of a second then walked hastily towards the direction of the opened wall while dragging behind a confused Aldrik. 

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