Chapter 19 Innermost Desires

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"A--alive?" Venus asked in a very shaky voice. She paled from the realization of the real danger they just went through. Especially to what she had put her group mates into. If someone had died because of her stupid quest, then how would she live her life knowing that?

"Yes. I believe I made myself very clear on that," Scalia told her arrogantly. "And, you might want to save your breather, I'm not inclined to give you any assistance for your negligence."

As soon as the queen uttered the words, Venus swallowed the candy elixir out of surprise and nervousness. She hiccups, "Uh-oh." 

"It's alright Vee, you can have mine." Marcus reassured her but she just refused it by moving her head left and right.

"Goddess! Must you should be so stubborn all the time. Okay, how about you hold your breath and I will you swim at the surface fast? Sounds good to yah?" Daphne told her irritatingly. It was the first time she talked to Venus that way. Though curious, Venus nods at her and kept her questions inside. It was not the proper time.

"Must you be so harsh?" Amelia asked the siren softly. Another unusual thing since the shifter never talked without angst.

"Just let it go, for now. We have more important matters to attend to." Rufus said to Amelia as he pulled her next to him carefully. His action made Venus more confused. When did everyone started to act so. . . different

"Okay, this is really strange. What's going on?" Venus couldn't hold it back anymore. She blurted out her confusion all of a sudden, startling everyone and made them look at her in a questioning manner.

"Strange? What do you mean?" Agnus asked as he did a high five with Aldrik. They were both smirking like old pals when in fact the two barely gives recognition to each other other than formalities. Besides, Agnus was an aloof kind of person. He never sticks his nose into things unless solicited.

"That!" Vee anxiously pointed to the action of the two. "Can't you see it, you're all acting different!"

"Well, they surely acted strange." Daphne agreed with her while sizing up Agnus and Aldrik. "But, as far as I'm concerned, that's where it ends. You're doing it again, Vee."

"Do what?" Venus asked in disbelief.

"Over analyzing things," Amelia finished it for Daphne. 

"Okay, children! Shows over!" Scalia interrupted them with her loud voice and clapping of her hands to call their attention.

"What show?" They all answered in unison.

"The Pearl of Peace. Haven't anyone of you did your assignment before coming here?" The Mermadian Queen asked with incredulity. "You all plunge into a battle without knowing your enemy? How incredibly stupid and irresponsible is that?"

"If there is any book available about the Pearl, why not? Watch your words. I wouldn't let you bad mouth us in any way just because you got what we need. You don't have the right to do so." Venus placed her hands on her hips, her breath heaving from anger. "Besides, I love Ariel so don't ruin that image for me."

Scalia instantly bursted out laughing and tells her in between laughs, "The Little Mermaid. . . Isn't she just adorable? A fantastical version of my kind." 

"Exactly, my point! Wow! You know Ariel! Beauty wise, you're far more prettier." Venus laughs with her as if they we're sharing some kind of a secret.

"Oh! You're too sugary. I kind of have a magical television that allows me to see everything on the Human Realm. Anyway, thank you. You're too modest. I can't be that beautiful with my zigzag teeth." 

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