Chapter 10 Blood in my Veins

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The words that Master Ronheild said had a defeaning effect on Venus. She felt her blood run cold as fear gripped her very soul. Her voice came out shaky as she asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"The only one gifted with such ability was Veron. He was consumed by it the moment he discovered the black books of sorcery. He learned everything about the dark magic within a day. A knowledge that was studied by the old for thousands of years was inside his mind in a day's time. This turned him into the first ever sorcerer. He was the one that disrupted the pull's purity and turned it into something dark, evil and deadly." Mystyq narrated with a far away look on her eyes. She paused to inhale a deep breath as if something heavy was clogged inside her chest.

She turned around and looked straight into Venus' eyes and said, "I was the one that pushed him through it. It was all my fault. He loved me too much that he find ways to give what could make me happy. I couldn't have a child even with the help of magic. My mother casted a spell on me before she died, not to have any heir when she heard the prophesy that I would be the queen and not her eldest daughter, Cassia. My sister was devastated that she pleaded to our mother to find a way to change her fate." Mystyq sobbed on her hands. Her shoulders were shaking. Her grief was so heartbreaking that it made everyone in the chamber emotional and tongue-tied including Sylvie.

They all stared at each other, reluctant on how to approach the Witzardian queen but Venus beat them into it as she jumped out of her bed and walked towards Mystyq.

Venus throw her arms around the queen's shoulder and whispered, "It's okay, you don't have to relive through those old and painful memories. I promise I won't come near with those books."

Mystyq looked up and wiped her eyes. Her mascara was all smudged in her eyes but only for few seconds. Her make-up was fixed in a blink of an eye as she straightened her back and stated, "But I have to. I need to get it off my chest. You see darling, I wanted to have a child so much that I had forced my King to go through desperate measures just to fulfill my unreasonable whims. I was selfish and immature then. Veron indulged himself to the dark arts just to find ways of creating a child that was magically produced out from us both through a surrogate mother." She paused and held Venus on her lap when she tried to stand up.

Venus made herself comfortable on Mysty's thighs that automatically painted a smile on the queen's lips, "He did find the solution but it was of a great price that he decided to keep it a secret from me and get on with it without telling me. He asked help from Cassia, he was not aware of my sister's hatred against me. They both plotted and made the plans for years until such time they finally had the chance to catch an angel on its defenseless physical form."

"My m-mother." Venus interrupted as she sucked in breath. It was hard for her to imagine what her mother had gone through but she couldn't find it in her heart to hate the Witzardian queen. She just couldn't, somehow deep inside her, Venus felt that there was a part of her that's connected with Mystyq. The queen's somewhat, even in a tiny speck of probability, also her mother by magic.

"Yes, your mother. At first Veron believed that he was doing such dreadful thing for me. To give me an heir but the truth is, he wasn't aware that the dark magic already consumed his being and has turned him into something evil. He had no more control of himself. He's mad." Mystyq let out a long sigh. She wiped a lone tear that cascaded her beautiful, young face.

"During that time Cassia was about to be crowned as Queen but since she plotted with Veron and exposed herself to dark magic as well she turned to a sorceress sucking the life out of our father. I became the queen and at the same time I lost my sister and King with the knowledge that Cassia as the first sorceress and Veron missing. I looked for him for years until such time I gave up hope."

"The knowledge of what they did was only exposed to me the moment I held your hand. I saw everything."

"What you saw? Can you tell me what really happened to my mom?" Venus asked, pleading.

"I cannot tell you now, child. Trust me, you'd better be off not knowing." Mystyq hugged her, kissed her forehead.

"My mom is a prisoner of King Veron. I need to train faster to avoid the war. We only have a couple of years to do so until the Angelicums will set off for battle. Now what do I have to do first?" Venus shared her informations for the first time which earned gasps from the rest.

"You will train with Mystyq with spells for two days as agreed then you will proceed to invoking the Opaque Temple to go for your quest." Lord Ronheild suddenly announced when a knock came from the door.

"Come in!" Sylvie said while pinching the bridge of her nose out of frustration. She was overthinking things especially the whereabouts of the Realm that Veron was imprisoned. Sure, she was the one who casted the spell years ago but she was not the spell bearer. She was just a deliverer. As she recalled, Veron is trapped on that Realm forever or was he?

"My Lord, the Queen of Vampiric Realm is here, she requests to have an audience with you." A servant came and delivered the message after bowing.

"Where is she at?" Xerxis asked when he saw the surprised look on Ronheild's face.

"I'm here. I hope I do not offend you by barging in like this but my son is avoiding to answer my inquiries so it's only proper that I address this to you." A cold and calculated voice spoke behind the servant.

"But, of course! Please do come in. Venus child, you are dismissed. We'll call you later again." Balto instructed while smiling to a now standing Vampire Queen outside the door as the servant gave way and held the door for her.

"I am more inclined of her to remain here, if that is alright." The queen replied as she stepped inside the chamber, her cerulean blue orbs fixed on Venus. She used an authorative tone under a connotation that she would not tolerate otherwise. Her pale face contrasted with her blood red lips, displayed a strict and emotionless look. She was wearing a long lacey black gown with long sleeves that made her creamy white skin stand out more.

"You are dismissed. Please send a chamber maid to bring us beverages. Thank you." Vulca addressed the servant by the door and closed it behind her. She had a feeling this would not be a good discussion.

"Venus, darling. Please meet the Vampiric queen Adelaide Clamointa. It is always a pleasure seeing you Adelle. How is everything?" Mystyq said in a friendly manner. She stood beside Venus while she introduced her.

Everyone was looking at Venus who was squirming on her place. Seeing the attention, she extended her right hand for a handshake. Her eyes grew wide as she realized her mistake and instantly placed her right fist on her chest palm down and bowed. She was thankful that she read all the proper greetings for awile back while training.

Adelaide was surprised but she did not show it. She just nodded in acknowledgement and faced Mystyq, "I am fine, thank you for asking Myst but I won't beat around the bush about my agenda of coming in here." She paused as she turned to face Venus again, "I'm fully aware of what my son had gone through for his unrequited love for you and I do not appreciate it that someone would do such things to him. Since, you are bonded to Prince Aldrik. I hereby declare that Prince Marcus be bonded soon to Princess Animone Pratimeir of the Demonic Realm."

Venus inhaled a deep breath, her chest felt constricted from what she heard while the rest gasped from the declaration. Princess Animone---sister of Rufus---was once Prince Aldrik's fiancé!

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