Chapter 9 Photographic Memory

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"I told you, she would sleep again. Goddess, this child been sleeping most of her life here!" Xerxis chortled. Vulca gave him a don't-you-dare-talk-again look which made him stop abruptly.

"We have to remedy this, she can't faint each passing time. We're in dire need of more time to train." Ronheild said, his hand on his chin as he thought of ways to solve the problem.

"What else can you do? Sorry to burst your bubble, love, but there's nothing we can do about it unless you have a reverse sleeping spell or something." Sylvie answered.

Mystyq snapped her fingers, "Now, that's it! Good thinking, Sylvana. All we need is to make a reverse sleeping spell!" She beamed at her rival queen and agreed with her for the first time.

Sylvie's face registered disbelief from the sudden friendly banter, but she managed to recover her reaction quickly and asked, "You can do that? That would be great." Her forced smile looked like she was suffering from diarrhea.

"Of course, I would do anything for Venus. And you don't have to force yourself to be friendly with me Sylvana. I totally understand if you're not ready. Hopefully, in time, you will realize that I am neither my sister nor my husband."

They stood motionless staring at each other---both misty eyed, as silence enveloped the chamber. It was a good thing that the rest of Venus group were all sent to resume their trainings.

Vulca suddenly clapped her hands and talked animatedly like nothing awkward happened, "Okay! So shall we do it then? We need to wake this sleeping beauty up!"

"I hate to deflate all your hopes but I think it's not a very good idea," Balto interrupted, breaking his silence for the first time.

"Care to elaborate?" Mystyq asked, she felt insulted. She wouldn't allow anyone doubt her if that was the case.

"I don't mean to offend you, your highness. This has nothing to do with you. In fact, I'm only worried with Venus' wellbeing. Her body is not strong enough to withhold the powers raging inside her, which causes her to lose consciousness everytime she utilizes it." Balto explained sadly. Worry was written on his wrinkled face.

"Why are you so worried? Is there anything else we need to know?" Ronheild pried even more when he saw Balto's troubled demeanor.

"It's just that I've lived a very long life. I'm one of the few that knew the real reason of the demise of the last vessel. It wasn't the fire but the uncontrollable power consumed her and extinguished her flesh into nothingness. I'm afraid that this child will go through the same fate if she won't learn to master it faster." Balto told them with regret, while looking towards Venus' sleeping form. He's one of the oldest phoenician left alive.

"And what is the connection with the reverse sleeping spell? Isn't it the more we should pursue it in order not to waste more time?" Sylvie butted in, determination was shown on her face.

"I agree that time is of great essence but by doing so, we will deprive her of the recompense that her body needed thus making her weak and vulnerable from her powers which is never a good thing. It's a choice between risking time or risking safety measures."

"So, in other words, sleeping is for her recharging. I vote for safety measures. Let her sleep all she wants," Vulca said with finality on her tone.

The rest of them nodded in agreement.

"Seems like all we have to do now is wait for her to wake up then." Ronheild stated after a few minutes and seated himself comfortably on the couch beside Venus' bed.

"I think no need to wait, she stirring up." Mystyq pointed at Venus.

They all waited as she slowly opened her eyes and said, "I'm ready. How will I call the Opaque Temple?" Her eyes showed them the determination she needed that wasn't there before she fell unconscious.

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