Chapter 13 The Task

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Venus' piercing scream called everyone towards the entrance. Different colors of fire appeared one by one as masters and mistresses travelled to her location in a haste. But Venus paid no heed on who came or what was happening around, her eyes stayed steady on Marcus. She wasn't able to move a muscle as terror struck her. The love of her life burns alive right before her very eyes.

Her over-enhanced senses made her hear his sizzling flesh, his gritting of teeth, his erratic heart beating and his sad red orbs fixed on her lavender ones. He was just grunting from pain but he never showed it. His fangs were elongated.

"He did not combust. It means. . ."

Venus heard someone said but didn't really cared what it meant. Her mind was busy of finding a way to save Marcus. She was running out of options. How to face this kind of scenario was not taught to them.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Her thoughts was distracted by Marcus' sudden shout of agony. One look at him and she knew that she had to act fast. She saw some speck of ashes that was slowly disintegrating to the air from his lower limbs. Her eyes widen with surprise to find out the source of his pain---his fire turned to red level! An initial upgrade of fire level on whole body engulfment only means one thing. . . Death!

Venus acted on instinct alone. She was desperate to save the one that she loves. Everyone just saw some glittering dusts passed by on a speed of lightning towards Marcus and soon the flaming vampire was enveloped inside a cocoon of Opaque Crystals.

Venus had summoned the Temple out of her pleas of help inside her mind. It was not yet time and she wasn't ready but she disregarded all common sense. She huffed a sigh of relief when her eyes landed on the unconscious body of Marcus as the crystal slowly laid him down on the marble floors, his fire was gone. Master Healers immediately rushed to his side and carried him towards the healing chamber.

Venus swayed a little from the exertion but an arm caught her in time and kept her standing. "It's good news that you didn't lose consciousness. It's a big development." Master Xerxis said to her, guiding her towards the direction of the Temple that appeared in front of the Academy.

"I'm afraid you have to face this now." Sylvie walked with them. She called Aldrik's attention who was standing like a statue with his eyes following the movement of the healers carrying Marcus.

"I'm so sorry, Inamorata. I wasn't myself. I'm so sorry, mother. It's very unbecoming of me. I will accept any punishment willingly." Aldrik blurted out as soon as he came near them.

Venus just gave him a small smile, though, she shifted her gaze towards the temple's direction immediately after. She understood where his rage came from, but it was Marcus he tried to kill. Her Marcus. After he knew that she loves Marcus and not him. So whether Aldrik would believe her or not, she understands but that didn't mean that she's not mad.

"Go home son, we will deal with you later." Ronheild hastily instructed before Sylvie could say another word. He had to, seeing his queen's dark expression. It would never be good for Aldrik to be at the receiving end of her anger in front of the whole people of the Academy. His queen was never one to hold her temper, not even for her son.

With one last look in Venus' way, the prince of Phoenicia disappeared in gust of red flames looking very sad.

"Please don't be so hard on him, your highness. I may not be happy with what he did but one thing I know for sure. He didn't do it on purpose. This Animone woman triggered it," Venus said after Aldrik was out of sight. She didn't want him to be in trouble for something he did out of rage or even out of jealousy from her choice. No, she couldn't.

"Hmnnn, Animone. . ." Sylvie looked thoughtful for a second but then snapped out of her trance and added, ". . . I will deal with him accordingly. But for the meantime, go on ahead. The Temple is waiting. Good luck, child." Sylvie patted her shoulder, gesturing for her to move forward.

"Okkaay, here we go." Venus muttered under her breath and walked slowly towards the awaiting Opaque Crystals. Her steps were hesitant so when her foot faltered and almost fell down face first---good thing the crystals were faster than bullet to break her fall.

"Oopsie! Thank you." She giggled to her own clumsiness and patted the magical crystals that floated around her like some kind of safety precautions from her own self.

"Welcome, our queen. You are quite an amusing one. We were sent away from the Angelic Realm to serve you. And we waited for your maturity with great anticipation." The Temple greeted her upon her entrance. She followed the voice and she saw in the middle an opaque crystal in a woman's form but without appearance---a plain talking mannequin without a face.

"Um, thank you, I guess?" Venus answered unsure. "So, what's up? What's the deal?"

"Our task for you is related to what happened just awhile ago. Travel to the Mermadian Realm and seek the Pearl of Peace. But you must travel without any master. Only with your group and Prince Aldrik. We give you a week to complete it. Learn the spells in three days before you go."

"Okay, so that's it? But why with Aldrik? And how it's related to what just happened?" She asked perplexed. She feels happy that the mission was so simple. Like how hard could it be dealing with mermaids. Little Mermaid didn't seem too complicated for her.

"You will know when you get there. Please do tell one message to the people waiting outside. 'Never reveal what has to be done or the consequences will be severe'."

"You mean the oldies outside? Sure, sure. Um, one more thing. Is the three days of practice not included to the one week time offer?"

"You surely have an odd tongue but we understand what you mean. And no, three days for training and four days to the task ahead. Don't forget our message, our queen. Until one week again." The voice echoes and the Temple shook like there was an earthquake which made Venus stumble and fell down. She cowered and covered her head with her hands in fear of crystal that might fall on her.

"What are you doing, child?" She heard someone asked.

She peeked through her fingers and saw that she was surrounded by masters and mistresses, looking at her like she was some kind of a mental patient. She stretched her limbs and faked a yawn, "Oh! Nothing, just a little bit sleepy. I thought of taking a nap."

Vulca raised her eyebrow on her, "A nap in front of the Academy? In plain soil? Work on your excuses, dear. They're so lame."

"Aherrmm." Ronheild cleared his throat to send his warning to his apprentice for her misbehavior. Vulca always forgets to use formality.

"Oh, there's something I must need to do right now. Please excuse me, I will take my leave." Vulca blushed beet red then hastily left after receiving nods of approval.

"Will you please relate to us what has transpired from your conversation?" Balto inquired.

"Um, the task is very simple but before that I must tell you something that the Temple said. 'Never reveal what has to be done or the consequences will be severe'. Oh! And its on an ominous effect but I can't imitate it. Something like it's a very dangerous pre-warning or something." Venus blabbered away while her audience gawked at her.

"Mind if you tell us what's the simple task?" Xerxis asked in a hard tone, his brows furrowed.

"Yeah, that! I just need to go to the Mermadian Realm and get the Pearl of Peace!" Venus chirped but her cheerful disposition automatically changed to confusion when she received a collective gasps of surprise.

"Okay, s-should I be worried about that reaction? Is that a happy surprise or a really surprised surprise. Like a bad surprise?" She squeaked her last words.

"The Pearl of Peace is the source of power of the Mermadian Queen. That's an impossible task!" Mystyq's words made Venus choke on her saliva and ended up in a fit of coughs which set all the people in a frenzy thinking that she was having a panic attack.

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