"Nate, time to wake up" I said knocking on the hard wooden door. These doors were the kind that the cold would creep under, no matter the warmth of the room. The cold air would crawl to your toes and then creep up your leg, giving you a reminder that it was their waiting for you.
Nate came to the door a few seconds later, dressed in the same clothes as last night. He still looks tired.
"If your hungry the soldier is going to show us the mess hall, then we are going to get a job we don't want"
"Sounds fun" he said
We walked out the apartment, going down all the same stairs, the sound of the stiff boots hitting the worn floor.
The soldier stood outside. His m4 sitting lazily in his arms.
"This way" he said
We followed him. We went in between a long row of the buildings. The mess hall looked to be an old private school. The sign was gone and some of the windows were covered up or shattered.
We walked inside. Their was lots of long silver tables. The tops of them were bumpy like bleachers and they were cold and hard as rocks.
"They change what's on the menu once a week, this week it's Salisbury steaks and a biscuit"
The soldier dug into a pouch he had on his chest.
"You will need these" he said handing them to me and Nate
"Why will we need them?"
"They are supply ration cards, that's the only way you will get a plate and other essentials and these are the only free ones you'll get"
"I'm going to guess that this is how we get paid when we work"
"You'll get paid in these and then use them, everyone gets the same amount, no variations"
That's bullshit, I'm sure they play favorites
"The serving times are 0700, 1200 and 1730, don't be late, if you are then it will cost you extra with the cards, and for other things you will have to go to the supply stand right across the street"
"Is that all?" I asked
"Yes, tomorrow your first work assignment starts, meet at the block at 0800"
"The block?" Nate asked curiously
"You'll see tomorrow, directions are on a map in your room, eat and then make sure your settled in at your apartment" he said. With that he quickly walked away.
Me and Nate looked at each other. We walked into the line. As we did lots of other people came in. One of the largest group of living people I have seen since the beginning. Big crowds can be very bad. The line was quickly filled up. Me and Nate sat down in the far right corner of the building, close to the door and a window if we needed to get out quickly.
The meat didn't really taste like it should and the biscuit was dry. Swallowing it was a task all on its own, especially with nothing to drink. The dry lumps of bread fought its way down my throat.
Now They Walk
RandomJake Thompson. 16 years old. 5"10' Mother: Ellen Thompson Father: jerry Thompson- deceased At 14 years old his father died by murder. At jerry's death Ellen turned to alcohol, drugs and sex. She met Steven, her new boyfriend. Jake turned to himsel...