"That's our entry point" miller said with his northern accent
This was the man on the radio earlier, and the only one the bothered to tell me his name. The others are kinda being dicks.
Miller put the silencer on the end of my pistol and handed it back.
"How many are coming in with us?"
"The others said none, but I will keep them off of you, got good aim"
Their seemed to be an automatic respect between us.
"Can't thank you enough for this"
"Done thank me yet, it ain't done"
"Then let's do it"
-30 Minutes later-
"Don't move yet" the handheld radio called
I peeked out from behind the cop car adjacent from the hospital. Their was a city transit bus wrecked, our next cover.
"Get ready to move" miller said
"Ready guys?" I whispered
"Yeah, let's move"
I crouched over to the bus and moved as fast as I could.
"Ellie watch the back" I said
I poked my head out far enough to see.
"Ain't no way your gonna sneak past them" miller said. No proving him wrong their.
"Y'all ready to shoot?" I asked
"Got all the rifles I could, we'll take them down when you gain their attention"
"Running straight for the door" I said to Nate and Ellie
I took a deep breath "let's go" I said
We all hopped out and started toward the door. The infected took a half second to notice us and then their terrible cries flew through the air.
The ones closest to us fell to the floor. Miller wasn't lying about his aim.
I shot two of them in the way of the door.
I flew to the door and pulled it open. Nate and Ellie flew in behind me and the door slammed shut.
"At least they can't pull doors" I said
The infected smacked the window, leaving a small crack in it.
"But they can do that" Ellie said
"Let's move" I said
Me and Nate were a pace or two in front of Ellie.
"Where should we check Ellie"
"Surgeon by the name of Ellen Taxer"
"What floor?"
"Second" she said
We found the stairs and ran as fast as we could up them.
"Which room?" I asked
"I think it's 343"
"Let's try it"
I counted the rooms. 310....326...335...343.
I pushed open the door. Their wasn't a sign on the wall with her name. Good thing the number was their.
"Search this place top to bottom" Ellie said
I wrenched open the desk drawers and pushed through papers. I leaned down to check the lower two.
Going from one side to the other, I seen a paper taped to the bottom of the desk's middle compartment.
"Got a note" I said
"What's it say?" Nate asked
I read the note out loud "if you came here at this point then you must be it.. I'm not here but we are going to Seattle Washington"
"All the way across the damn country" Nate said
"We got a lead" I said
-Front of the hospital-
The infected that were in front of the door were already dispatched.
I pushed open the door and walked outside.
"Looks like they got them all" I said
"Be sure to thank this guy" Ellie said
"I'm gonna" I responded
We walked back across the street. Miller walked out the front doors of the station.
"You did it"
"Yeah, we found what we needed"
"Good, we got a car from impound for you if you want it"
-1 hour later-
"Thank you, for everything"
"Your welcome, get that kid over to wherever you are going"
"Then we will try to fix all of this" Nate said
He nodded. It felt impossible this would be the last time I saw him. I didn't like having that thought.
He got back in the squad car he drove with us up here in. He backed up and then turned around. I watched his tail lights get smaller and smaller.
"Let's get going" I said
I got in the driver's seat and Nate sat in the passenger. Ellie took a nap in the back of the car.
I had it going a cruising speed. The sun was over the buildings. I could see why they were called skyscrapers.
Hey guys. I know it took me awhile to update this but I was kinda blocked for a bit.
Anyway they found where they have to go.
I hope you all are enjoying this so far and I will keep updating to keep the progress.
If you liked this part then please vote and comment.
I'll update again soon,

Now They Walk
RandomJake Thompson. 16 years old. 5"10' Mother: Ellen Thompson Father: jerry Thompson- deceased At 14 years old his father died by murder. At jerry's death Ellen turned to alcohol, drugs and sex. She met Steven, her new boyfriend. Jake turned to himsel...