I climbed out of the shower. The cold air met my skin and the water droplets still on them.
Pastor wade got a lady here to cut my hair which was really long. Jake told me he liked it long, but he isn't here....
I shook the idea from my head and dried my hair. I grabbed some clean clothes I brought in and slipped them on. They were soft to the touch and clean as possible, the white shirt and jeans fit comfortably as well.
I walked back through the door into my room. It was clean but not from any maid. I cleaned it trying to keep my mind busy. Pastor wade said we leave today.
Theirs nothing left in here to fix.... I need something else to keep me busy.
I am not okay. No person should hear voices. No one should argue with themselves. I don't want to.
I am trying my hardest to ignore them, but god they are so loud.
Get her. Find him.. get her find him..
I stood up and walked closer to the speaker.
Why hasn't she said anything. I walked to the door and looked under it. The crack showed no light coming.
I never finished the food that was left in here in the morning. If you could call it food.
I sat against the wall and started to slide down. I met the floor and I fell onto my side.
Pastor wade's men, or the Disciples, scavenged old humvees from the military checkpoints I'm guessing. She put that bird symbol on them and I've had trouble not staring at it.
"It's the bird that Moses sent out of the Arc, that's what we are Nate and we will save humanity"
It was cold outside and the cab was being blasted with hot air and everyone was in a thick jacket.
We started to pull out of the parking lot, the caravan of cars going along in a straight line.
"We are on to Washington"
--------------------3 Days later-------------------
They drove very slow, barely going above forty, but it's not like we were going to be late for anything.
Pastor wade got took for another car so she could sleep and I've been sitting in this one completely silent. The man driving never said anything.
The line of cars came to a stop. I couldn't see what was happening but I could see two of Pastor Wades men standing beside the car.
One of them raised the rifle and fired it. They climbed back into their car and then the line started again, slowly.
I looked out the window at what the men were shooting at. I thought I would have seen infected. But why didn't they scream or run at the men if it was an infected. Cause it wasn't infected.

Now They Walk
عشوائيJake Thompson. 16 years old. 5"10' Mother: Ellen Thompson Father: jerry Thompson- deceased At 14 years old his father died by murder. At jerry's death Ellen turned to alcohol, drugs and sex. She met Steven, her new boyfriend. Jake turned to himsel...