"Plans is simple really.. have to get them to run out one end and kill them as they do" Matthew said
"Sounds simple, but when bullets are flying and the infected are coming at you from wherever they can, it's lot more difficult" Lemmy said with his low voice.
"We need someone fast to get the infected running toward the front" Maria said
eyes fell on me.
"If I do this, your plan better work" I answered
"Don't worry, I'll have my rifle on you to help keep them away" Lemmy said
I trust him.
"Before we do, we need doors open so we can do so... Matthew this is you" Maria said
Matthew nodded. He stood up to go get ready.
I followed him. "Matthew" I said
"When your in their... I need you to find Nate and make sure he gets somewhere safe before this happens"
I woke up really late. I couldn't sleep last night. I had another nightmare. I never told anyone about them, my mother was the only one that knew and I do an ok job of hiding it.
I die in all of them. I'm usually chased by a huge group of people. I'm running with someone, but I can't tell who. All I know is that they are hurt and we are trying to get away. We run through an abandon saw mill. It always ends when we run out a set of rusty double doors. Then I hear myself screaming when I die.
I got out of bed and changed my clothes.
I walked to where I could see outside. The sky wasn't grey today. The sun was shining and I was met with a blue world.
"Have you eaten today?" I heard someone ask
I looked back to see a guard that I haven't seen before.
"No... are you a new guard?" I ask
"Somewhat" he says handed me a folded piece of paper and then walked away
I opened the paper.
Get somewhere safe. I know where Jake is.
My heart jumped when I read it. Jake. my Jake. He's coming for me..
-Three Hours later-
"I'm almost their" I said over the radio
"Good... you have to keep distance between you and them and remember that you have a whole mile to run"
"I understand.. death is a good motivator" I said

Now They Walk
RandomJake Thompson. 16 years old. 5"10' Mother: Ellen Thompson Father: jerry Thompson- deceased At 14 years old his father died by murder. At jerry's death Ellen turned to alcohol, drugs and sex. She met Steven, her new boyfriend. Jake turned to himsel...