I sat up to the cold. I took my jacket off before I fell asleep to use it as a blanket, and all I had was a grey shirt.
I slipped my jacket back on and buttoned it up.
We fell into the woods when everyone was too tired to travel. It was about 5:00 in the evening.
Lemmy said that we should move at night. More dangerous because of the dead but safer from people.
I moved to a stump. I sat down and grabbed a metal tin cup. I poured water from a canteen into it and set it on the coals of our small fire.
I'd taken notes on this. Not actual ones, mental.
Small logs. No leaves. Make a hole. Keep the fire small.
Heel to toe is quieter steps. The dead can be tricked. People are more scared of people.
I let the water heat up and then I drank some. I grabbed some of the skinned rabbit meat that Maria got. She was really good with a bow and I'm thinking about getting her to teach me.
"You woke up before me for once" I heard Maria's voice call
"My mind is getting used to it" I said
She sat across from me.
I gave her some of the meat.
"Thanks" she said
I heard a scream.
"Its close" I said standing up
"Let's go get it"
"Show me how to use the bow" I said
She handed me the bow. It was lighter than I thought it would be but still had weight.
"Your gonna have trouble getting use to the sights, but I bet you'll get it pretty damn fast" she said
"Why's that?" I asked pulling it back
"Your a survivor, you learn things that will keep you alive quickly, your naturally like that"
"Hope so.. let's go check this out" I said
We took off in a fast paced jog, leaping over fallen trees or going up steep inclines.
We came to where a women was trapped in a car with three of the infected around her. They banged on the window ferociously. Hungrily..
I put the arrow into its nook, pulling it back.
I put the sight on one of the heads and let it fly. It fell to the ground. I readied another arrow.
They are monsters really... don't care about each other, just hunger.
I let the next one loose but it hit it on the back. It flinched and turned around.
He came running at me. I handed Maria the bow and tackled the infected. I pulled out my knife and slammed it into his head. I took it out angrily and shoved it back it. I did it again. And again. I stopped after I couldn't tell who it was even if I had an ID card.
I looked up and seen Maria took out the last one.
"You okay?" She asked
"Fine.. I just had to let some out" I said
You were hungering for it...
I woke up with a hankering for pancakes and eggs. I found some powdered eggs but nothing to make pancakes with. I grabbed a pan and started cooking it.
I made enough for me and Ellie. She came and sat down with me. We are quietly.
"You sleep good?"
"Yea, had a good dream... first one in a while"
"What was it about?"
"Before all of this" I answered
I lied. It was about me and Jake.. I want him back. So bad that it's a hunger for him
"I didn't have one" she said
I threw my plate away and walked to the door. I stepped outside. The cold wasn't welcoming.
-hours later-The sun was close to falling. We had tracked the Disciples on foot, but a lady we found had let us use her car. Their was no hope for her anyway. She had been bitten multiple times on her legs and arms.
"Were a mile away from their headquarters, they are in a mall just south of us"
"Well, what's next?"
"We sate that hunger of yours, the one you have for your people and your revenge"
"When are we planning it?"
"Tonight, well do it two days from now"
Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this part. If you liked it then please vote and comment if you did.
So Jake and his group are getting ready to take out the Disciples. And the Disciples don't know a thing.
So I hope you guys are ready for the next part and it will be a pivotal one, deciding many fates.
I'll update soon,

Now They Walk
RandomJake Thompson. 16 years old. 5"10' Mother: Ellen Thompson Father: jerry Thompson- deceased At 14 years old his father died by murder. At jerry's death Ellen turned to alcohol, drugs and sex. She met Steven, her new boyfriend. Jake turned to himsel...