Their has been a couple of things in my life that took away my breath. But I don't think any match up to me and Jake kissing. This wasn't a kiss that tanner could have given. It wasn't lustful. He wasn't fighting it. Jake just slowly and softly went into it.
I held back the smile all I could. It was so hard to though. I wanted to ask him. To see if he just started wanting this. Was it tanner?
I looked over to him. He was walking. His face was straight, just as always. His eyes were furrowed like he always had. I never noticed how much I knew about his facial expressions.
"Are you still wanting to leave?" I asked
He looked at me. He hasn't given me a look like this. He wasn't scowling. He even had a little grin.
"I still think that it's not safe Nate" he said
I nodded. Jake went up the ladder first. I followed him. We set our gear down and then went up the second ladder.
People were running back in forth. Not in giant masses but just a few, running back and forth from from their buildings.
"Let's go to the apartment" Jake said
We walked quickly. Robert wasnt in his seat at the bottom of the stairs. We went into our room.
"You two should have been here earlier" someone said in the corner. It was the soldiers voice.
"How the fuck did you get in here?" Jake asked
"Doesn't matter, but you two have to leave, get out while you still can"
"What's happening?" I asked
"You" he answered.
"Your blood type, it's a special variation of o negative"
"And that means?" Jake asked
"His blood isn't like others, the disease won't conform to it, he cannot turn" the soldier said
"So he is.. immune" Jake said looking at me.
"Yes, as long as his blood isn't overwhelmed by multiple injections of the infection"
"They want his blood" Jake said
"Yes, but they won't distribute it" the soldier answered "this is no longer the U.S military, they have become greedy and crooked"
"Where should we go?"
"Not to another quarantine" he said
"Just leave?" I asked
"Yes, now" he said
The soldier picked up a green bag behind him.
"It's full of ammo, water, MREs, and lots of other stuff to help" he said
He handed it to Jake
"Why are you helping us?" I asked
"I'm a United States Army soldier, I do anything to protect my country, what little is left" he said

Now They Walk
RandomJake Thompson. 16 years old. 5"10' Mother: Ellen Thompson Father: jerry Thompson- deceased At 14 years old his father died by murder. At jerry's death Ellen turned to alcohol, drugs and sex. She met Steven, her new boyfriend. Jake turned to himsel...