Author's Note (1)

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Hey guys! Before I start, there are some stuff I'd like to say:
there will be some grammatical errors & I'll try my best to correvt them!
I do NOT own the characters or whatsoever. Only the plot is mine.
there will be times the story might get a little messed up. I'll try to fix them as soon as possible, so pardon me if i do!

That should be it... You guys can also point some mistakes out when you spot them, thanks!

If you read my previous story, Fairytail High, you would have known that GRAYZA. IS. MY. LIFEEEEEEEEEE

I stopped writing it for personal reasons, but lately, I just started watching Fairy Tail again and... yes. I was brought back into the fandom again.

This is just a new Grayza fanfiction, and I hope you guys like it! I will update time to time, so do enjoy!

Please do vote! It would make my day^_^

Happy reading!! ♡:)

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