Chapter 9

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CAPTAIN'S BALL INTERCLASS WAS SO LIT YTD I CANT 211016~~ btw if the words are in italics it means flashback unless otherwise stated.

This chapter includes the time when Gray found Erza crying by the river :O In the anime, the scene ended when Gray sat next to Erza, but I'm sure all of us would like to know more about what happened next ehehehe it has tiny tiny modifications to it though

Happy reading!! :)


*Gray's POV*

"Ugh, now we have to get through these ugly poops before we save Erza!" Natsu lamented loudly. "Shh Natsu, you'll attract their attention!" Lucy nudged his elbow. Tch, saving Erza was my job.

Looking at the Demons surrounding the cottage where Erza was, I couldn't help but worry for her. As if I never stopped worrying about her.

"Erza, it's on!"

After having trouble finding her for the whole day, I looked around within Magnolia and found Erza sitting by the river. Challenging her had become my daily routine but this time, I wanted to give that surprise factor.

Until she turned around.

Tears were streaming down her face.

Tears? From the "legendary" Erza Scarlet? Was this all my imagination?

I stopped in my tracks. Erza wiped her tears away before standing up. "You never give up, do you?"

What was I supposed to say? Why are you crying? What's wrong? Yes Erza, time for a battle? No. I could do nothing. Frustrated at myself, I walked up next to her. Seeing the other, unknown, fragile and different side of the almighty Titania made my emotions go wild. I felt my cheekbones starting to go tense, legs all trembling and my face was flushed. What was happening to me?

"What, you're not having at me today? I thought it was your daily routine?" Erza chuckled, probably on how pathetic I looked back then.

"Why are you crying all by yourself?" I managed to utter. Erza was clearly taken aback by my response. "Well, I-I..." She stuttered. I sighed silently to myself. I wonder what had got inside me that day, because until now, I still remember what I said to her.

"Don't cry all by yourself! If you're worried that this will ruin your "image", know that it's okay to let your emotions out! It's a human reaction, Erza, know that no one will judge you! If anyone does, I'll help you punch them in the face!"

I continued, "If you're worried of burdening others, know that you just have to tell it to the right people and it wouldn't be a burden at all!" Natsu's personality might have rubbed off on me a little, because even if you had evidence of any means, I would not believe I said those six words.

"Erza! You have me! Be strong!" I shouted at her, with a slightly higher-pitched voice than normal and an extremely burning red face. All along, my heartbeat raced so quickly, it was even faster than the speed I take off my shirt.

She looked at me wide-eyed, trying to process the words I just said to her. After a while just when I thought I screwed up bad, Erza smiled at me.

Erza Scarlet smiling at me, Gray Fullbuster.

I think I died back there and then.

Erza looked down at the grass and said, "Thank you, Gray... Thank you."

After that day, it was simply awkwardness between us. When she caught me looking at her, she would immediately look somewhere else. However, one thing was for sure. Whenever we thought there was no one else to rely on, to rant to, to understand us, we would have each other. There wasn't even a name for our type of relationship, it was just simply... a weird connection.

I whispered to myself, "Erza, I'm going to bring you back to Fairy Tail no matter what happens. I promise."


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