Chapter 5

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200+ READS OMG THANK YOUUUUUUUU train to busan is making me such an emotional wreck omg 😭😭😭
btw the name of the place where the Demons are infesting is a ridiculous made-up name so pls just ignore HAHA

happy reading !! :)

"I feel... sick."

"Natsu, get a hold of yourself!"

We were on the train to the station nearest Keobeo Forest. It was the place in the request where the Demons were infesting and the villagers residing in the small village in it were trapped. They feasted on humans not for hunger, but for fun. They were slowly closing in on them from every corner of the dense forest. If we didn't hurry up, this mission would be a failure.

 As we entered the forest, all of us got ready to attack the Demons wherever they were. Slowly advancing nearer to the village, we started hearing slight roaring. "That must be from the Demons! Everyone, get ready to attack!" I requipped to my Heaven's Wheel armour while Gray, Lucy and Wendy got themselves ready. Wait, where was Natsu?

"ROAR OF THE FIRE DRAGON SLAYER!" Gosh, when will that pinkhead be patient enough? Seeing that Natsu already started attacking the Demons, we had no other choice but to follow.

"Wendy, be careful! When they die from your attack, your fate might be changed!" Carla's warning echoed in my brain. That's right. They could change the destiny of whoever last touched them before their death and it also depended on whether they wanted to.

Hearing their own friends being in pain and better humans to devour, the nearby Demons changed course and started advancing on us. One by one, we took them down but more of them started popping out of nowhere.

Suddenly, they disappeared just as quickly as they increased in number. "Well, well, who do we have here? Fairy Tail, huh..." Three men stepped out from the bushes and canopy of leaves of the forest.

"Hey, who are you? Are you the ones who started this mess?" Natsu, impulsive as ever, started shouting at them. "Control yourself Natsu, we don't know what these guys are capable of! If we anger them, who knows what they would do to us." Thankfully, Lucy was always there to restrict Natsu from unleashing his full anger when unnecessary.

"Well, well, we were warned that some pink-haired guy and his cat would show up with his blondie girlfriend." One of the men spoke. A baseball cap was on his head, his denim jeans and brown hair made him look not more than twenty years old.

One of the other two men glanced at me and his eyes widened. He nudged his comrade's elbow and started whispering to him. Trying to make out what they said, I could only hear "...guess he was right. She really would come." They must have seen me straining my ears to listem because they stopped talking.

"IRON FIST OF THE FIRE DRAGON!" If we expected Natsu's reckless attack to surprise them, we must have underestimated them. A man with tanned skin and wore black spectacles dodged it and in turn, casted his own magic spell at all of us... using Jutsu Shiki.

I didn't even have time to requip. It all happened in a second and I found myself trapped next to Gray. We were all split up. Natsu was alone next to Lucy and Wendy who were together. "HEY, HOW COME I'M THE ONLY ONE ALONE?!?"

I admit, it was kind of... comfortable and I felt a sense of security being with Gray. "Any plan, Erza?" I was taken by surprise and almost jumped. "Well, I guess they still have things unsaid, so we'll let them finish and see how it goes." I replied him, trying to sound as calm as I could. Finally after ages, he spoke to me again. And why is my heart racing again?

Then, I realised I hadn't took a good look at the last of the three men. He was wearing a coat and covered his face. It was clear he was the "leader" of that gang, for the other two men did what he said, like a slave. He started walking right up to me and Gray and opened his mouth to say something. "So, you see..."

That voice. It couldn't be him.

Why was he here?

Did he plan all this?

The mysterious man started taking off his hoodie.

Blue hair.

No, it can't be.


"I'm looking for a lady named Erza Scarlet." Jellal smirked at me.

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