Chapter 6

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Hiii i have decided that if I get at least 15 reads and 5 votes for each chapter, I'll update!!! Receiving my exam results tomorrow... I think I screwed up every paper T^T Anyways, happy reading people!


"I'm looking for a lady called Erza Scarlet."

Jellal took off his coat and revealed himself. He circled around me and Gray, like a lion judging his prey before pouncing. And with that Shiki Jutsu his dear friend casted on us, we couldn't use any magic to touch him at all.

"You see, this Erza Scarlet has been a very naughty girl recently and I need to punish her..." While he continued speaking of me in front of myself to taunt me, Gray touched my shoulder and said, "Don't worry Erza. I got your back. Always." I looked at Wendy, Lucy and Natsu, who were all looking at me in concern. They were clearly surprised by Jellal's appearance, and I reassured them by shooting them a look that said, "It's okay, I'll take care of this."

At that moment, Jellal turned around and started leaning in closer and closer. Somehow, he could ente the Shiki Jutsu and now all three of us were in that small constricted space like trapped animals. How awkward. Jellal inched closer and closer to me before smirking and asked, "So... would you come with me and we could look out for her together?" Before he could do anything, he was suddenly pulled away by Gray and the next thing I saw, they were lying on the ground with Gray on top of Jellal.

Gray grabbed Jellal by the collar and started shouting right in his face. "What do you want from Erza? Kill her? Oh yeah, the note. Erza still alive. Resort to Jellal. Again. If I'm not wrong, that means getting rid of her right?" Jellal and his two other comrades were taken aback by this and just stopped whatever they were doing.

What Gray did after that took me by surprise. He dragged Jellal as close as what I experienced just minutes ago, but he gave Jellal a death stare instead. It was even scarier than my usual self when anyone stole my cake, making even Happy whispering to Natsu this would be the only time he would be afraid of Gray.

"Listen up, Jellal Fernandes. Don't you dare touch Erza, not even to take a glance at her, or to talk to her. Stay a million miles away from her. Or you would deeply regret it."

Oh my Mavis. When was Gray this protective over me? Once again for the billionth time, my heart started pounding like a sledgehammer. Jellal clearly had no idea how to respond to Gray's sudden outburst, but that man always managed to remain calm somehow. Another reason why I liked Jellal too.

"Why so protective? Everyone knows that you like Erza, do you know that?" Jellal spoke with such confidence while his eyes were fixed in my direction, trying to sense a hint of embarassment or something. At that point of time, Wendy, Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Carla were just seriously shocked. They didn't even bother finding a way out, even Natsu calmed down. All of them were just staring at the three of us with mouths wide open. Maybe they thought Gray and I would make a really weird couple. Perhaps they thought Gray was having a crush on Juvia all along. Or maybe something else. And it wasn't their fight. When it came to Jellal, only I could get through him most of the time. This time wasn't any different, except Gray got himself involved.

"Girlfriend's getting all flustered, huh? Colour of cheeks same as her hair, no wait, I think it's even redder than that. Same goes for you, stripper. Don't try to hit on me, I ain't gay for you." I looked at Gray and saw that his entire face just became the colour of tomatoes and he was trying his very best not to let his emotions take over him. Was I really his weakness, his downfall, that would make him declare defeat, all because... of me? No, I can't let that happen.

"Get the hell away from him!" I pushed Gray off Jellal and stared at Jellal. Why was he doing this? Thinking back to the times when we were in the Tower of Heaven, he was so kind and caring... and I thought maybe, just maybe, this guy was the one. Did Jellal really forget all the nights we spent talking to each other about the future, the days we spent playing around with each other and the time when we almost kissed...

"What do you want with me?" I demanded from him. In return, I received a pair of soul-less brown eyes and a response I greatly dreaded.

"Come back with me... to the Tower of Heaven."


Thanks for all the support guys! Gonna end this here and remember to vote! Thankssss :)

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