Chapter 8

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not updating for a while because my results weren't very good so yeah... totally screwed up english when it was actually my 2nd best subject for the past terms... :// btw, a snowflake (❆) represents a change of scene which might be in someone else's POV. Happy reading!


How I would like to die? No way was I going to die! What was up with Jellal? Was he... possessed, just like what happened years ago?

"Too many to decide, huh?" An evil grin spread across Jellal's face before he cackled in evil laughter. "Very well then, since you don't have a choice, I'll just have to choose for you. I'm just going to kill you. Sounds so simple yet you know it isn't, right? HAHAHA! Erza, you should thank me you know, because you wouldn't have to die a slow excruciating death. Just a few seconds of immense pain and eternal blackout. Isn't that much better? HAHAHA!" Jellal continued to laugh to himself.

I couldn't take it anymore. Why was Jellal doing all this? Where was Gray and the others?

Even if I had to die, Heaven should let Gray's face be the last sight I see, Gray's perfect six-pack the last thing I ever touched, the everlasting icy taste Gray's lips the last thing I ever tasted, Gray's voice the last sound I ever heard and the smell of Gray the last thing I ever smelled.

As Jellal paced around the room, I realised my surroundings weren't exactly the best. There were cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, a lizard which just crawled up the wall and I swear a mosquito was flying around me.

The staircase that led to the outside was right in front of me. Okay it wasn't that close, but it was within running distance. However, Jellal was standing in front of it and even if I managed to sprint past him, the many guards of his were just outside the cottage, surrounding every inch and corner of it. It didn't help that I was not able to use my armour. "An anti-magic barrier has been placed around this place, so no one, except me, is able to use magic", Jellal said.

Maybe this was my changed fate and I defeated the Demons. To be "kidnapped" by your crush, not exactly in a romantic way.

I really wish Team Natsu would come back for me. And then tears started streaming down my eyes.

*Gray's POV*

"Okay! I don't smell anyone following us, so let's head back!" Wendy exclaimed. When we started leaving the place where Jellal took Erza, Wendy had sensed an unknown presence tagging us, which was why we did not follow Erza back then.

Tracing back our footsteps, we started heading back the way we came from. To Erza.

Gosh, where is she? Is she safe? That bastard Jellal... Ever since the Tower of Heaven incident a few years back when I saw Erza cry and had to resist the urge of going all Iced Shell on him so much, he was my new rival. Love rival, to be exact.

"We're near." Wendy whispered to us, before we knelt down behind some bushes looking at what was in front of us.

An old cottage. Nothing surprising, but it was who, or what, surrounded us that caught me off-guard.

It was the Demons.


Hey, how are y'all enjoying it so far:) thanks for all the support !!!!!! not updating as frequent as usual, i'm sorry!!!! remember to follow, comment, share and most importantly, VOTE!!!! :D

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