Chapter 10

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hellooooo people hope you guys liked the super long grayza moment in the previous chapter gihee xD & like i said, italics means flashback/own thoughts unless otherwise stated ,, anyways happy reading !! :)


*Erza's POV*


ellal casually yawned, not even bothering to cover his mouth. Something was up, but if Jellal was being like this, that 'something' was already up. "Say, Erza, weren't your Fairy Tail comrades the type to not abandon their own? I was expecting them to come looking for you but it seems there's no sign they're in the vicinity... Or perhaps they were too afraid of me? HAHAHAHA!"

His evil laughter sounded like Deliora's roar back at Galuna Island. Ah, the memories.

Looking at how proud Gray was of Ul when Deliora's life source was sapped away by her Iced Shell and the tears Gray shed, I couldn't help but feel a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. Somehow after that, I heard a woman's voice in my head calling out to me.

"You must be Erza..." I looked around me. Where did the voice come from? Gray was crying, Lucy was busy scolding Happy for calling her weird again and the voice definitely wasn't from Natsu. Who could it be then?

"My happiness... is when my two dear students are happy... Gray grew to be a fine young man though that stripping habit is still with him, huh... As expected from him."

Two dear students? Could it be... Ul?

"Gray seems happy around you, did you know that? He has been that way since you came to the guild, playing hard to get. That's why when he saw you crying, he couldn't help himself. That day, in his heart, he wanted to cry with you so badly. He wanted to stop making you cry. You know what that means right?"

Huh? No way... Was she referring to...

"Well, I'm sure you will figure it out one day. That hunk will realise his feelings one day, some day. And then he wouldn't hesitate any further. There is no rush to accept his feelings... my future daughter-in-law."

The voice disappeared as quickly as it came. The special moments I shared with only Gray started flashing in my head like a movie. From that day onwards, I paid special attention to how Gray acted towards me. There were notable differences in the way he treated me compared to Juvia and Lucy, even Cana.

Then one day, my heart beated uncontrollably fast for him. It was as if a cheetah and Ferrari at full speed were having their own race within my heart. That's when I knew.

I, Erza Scarlet, have and always been liking Gray.

Perhaps we were just like the sun and the moon ー deeply in love with each other, but too different to exist side by side.

"Hey, has anyone ever taught you it's basic manners to listen to someone when they're speaking?" Jellal yelled into my ear.

"And has anyone ever taught you it's basic manners to not yell in someone's ear?" A tall figure approached Jellal steadily, cracking his fists. When he came out of the shadows, I never felt more relieved than there and then.

"I'm not letting anyone take Erza. Even if it's you, Jellal." Gray narrowed his eyes, getting ready for battle.

"My, my, it took longer than expected for you people to show your asses. Came to save the damsel in distress, I see." Jellal smirked at him.

"I don't have time for you! Natsu, Lucy, Wendy and Carla are out there risking their lives, changing their fates, to save Erza!" Gray was seemingly on the verge of exploding.

Jellal just gave a "Tch" and proceeded to fight fists-only with Gray. Just as Jellal was about to land his punch, Gray dodged and asked, "You aren't Jellal, are you?"

That made him stop. His eyes widened and he stood rooted to the ground, unable to move, reminding me of how prey who were unable to escape looked like.

Slowly, Jellal fell to the ground, unconscious. "Now's the time! Erza, let's go!" Gray untied the ropes binding me to the rotten old chair while he carried me bridal-style up the staircase. Shirtless as expected, I felt my facd getting hot since I was never this close to Gray's hot body. I resisted the urge to trace Gray's guild mark with my fingers. However, things didn't go as smoothly as either of us expected it to be.

Three Demons stood in our way, blocking us. They made cackling noises as if to mock us, "Haha, you saved her but now you're going to die together! Hahaha!"

"When will these all stop?" Gray carefully laid me down on a step, and started fighting them. I would have fought alongside him but no matter how hard I tried, it felt like my magical power all vanished when Jellal facepalmed the ground.

Perhaps Gray & I both got lost in our own thoughts and didn't realise one of the Demons was approaching me, ready to kill me with its sharp claw.

So this was the end. I never had a chance to confess to neither Gray nor Jellal and I was just about to die. These years had been great with them, though. Every moment spent with them was a blessing. Maybe this was my changed fate when we defeated the Demons upon first seeing them. Well, what else could I do then?

I closed my eyes, ready to embrace a darkness that would last forever.


GUYS DON'T WORRY THIS ISN'T THE END OKAY!!!!! I'LL UPDATE IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT please remember to follow, comment, share and VOTE!! thanks guise :)

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