Chapter 13

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THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER FOLKS so happy readingggg :)


When we stepped into Fairy Tail, we were greeted by everyone's cheerful 'Welcome Back!'s. However, when they saw Jellal's body in an ice coffin Gray created and our depressed faces, they stopped. Everybody looked at one another quietly, unsure of what to do, before the Master cleared his throat. "It seems like you had done your best, but there were losses. Well, Jellal deserves a proper funeral and goodbye. Even if he wasn't a Fairy Tail member, we will do what we can for him. Notify Meredy as soon as possible."

As everyone slowly got back to their usual activities while I sat beside Jellal, I noticed Gray going up to the highest possible place. He then cleared his throat. "I have something I want to say." He looked at me and then I remembered what we discussed about on our way back to Magnolia.


I turned around and saw Gray looking at me. He looked exhausted and I guess it must have been from all the magic power used for Jellal. Sure, making a coffin would be a piece of cake to Gray, but the hard part was preventing it from decomposing. Natsu would have burnt him to a crisp and leaving him in Horologium would be painful for me to see him all scrunched up inside there.

"Are we official?" He asked.

I was taken aback. Official? As in, officially going out? Sure, we both liked each other but were we ready to go out officially? When there was Juvia...

He walked towards me. For once I realised, he was keeping his clothes on. Which meant one thing. He was serious.

"It's okay if you don't want to. I'm ready whenever you are." He smiled at me. Oh, how he looked like Jellal. Sometimes I wondered if they were fraternal twins separated at birth.

"No, Gray. I'm okay. I love you. I trust you, I trust that whatever your actions are, it will be the best for us." I bit my lip, unsure of everything and anything.

"I'll announce to the guild when we come back. Have a good rest, I love you Erza." He kissed me and then left.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Juvia squirming about. "Is Gray-sama going to confess his love for Juvia?"

"Erza and I are going out."

Those six words shook the entire guild. Immediately, who-knows-how-many pairs of eyes turned into my direction. Juvia looked at me. Anger, jealousy, sadness flashed through her eyes. She started walking towards me. Oh Mavis, please don't tell me she wants to pick a fight with me. I really do not want to hurt my own comrade.

She looked at me and then to the ground, sadly. "It's okay, Erza-san. You can have Gray-sama. After all, Erza-san is stronger than Juvia and Gray-sama deserves someone strong like you. Please treat Gray-sama nicely!"

Well that went smoother than expected, I thought to myself though I was glad.

Seeing Juvia being calm, the whole guild sighed in relief. Some guild members cheered, others bombarded the both of us with questions and I swear I heard Laxus asking Gray, "Where did you get the guts to ask Titania out?" Soon, the guild was all laughter, no tears, celebrating the newfound joy.

Nightfall soon came and Fairy Tail was still partying away. Gajeel sang his Shoo-bi-doo-ba song, Natsu was bothering Lucy again while Romeo and Wendy chatted away happily.

As I quietly made my way to Jellal's grave which was right outside Fairy Tail, the memories flashed back. The perfect half of me. Then I looked back inside at Gray who was busy talking with Laxus and I smiled. Always there for me and saw me for who I really was, the 'Erza Scarlet', and not just 'Titania'.

Gray or Jellal? I won't choose if you asked me that question. My heart belongs to both and belongs to none. I won't choose because I do not know. I'm allowed to not know. Why should I even choose?

I finally felt some sort of freedom and happiness after so long. Ever since we took up this quest, I never felt this carefree. I felt an arm around my waist and smiling, I knew who it was immediately.

I leaned my head on his chest and heard his heartbeat. They say if two people truly love each other, their heartbeats would be in sync. I wondered if that was true.

As I looked up into the starry sky, I knew a new journey begins from now on. And something told me, this was just going to get better.


yey i completed it instead of leaving jt hanging like i did w fairytail high HAHA
pls comment & vote!! i'll be opening a Q&A chapter here soon so like ask me stuff doesnt have to be related to One Step Closer!

ILYALL!!! ♡♡


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