Chapter 7

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helloooo thanks for all the support omg !! things are gonna escalate pretty fast starting from this chapter bc uhh i kind of suck at developing. i have the plot all planned but yeah...
btw, i might not update as frequent as i used to as i got back my results tdy and im not rl pleased so i'll probably need a break for a while... anyways HAPPY READING!


The Tower of Heaven? Hell no was I going to visit that place again. People died and tears were shed the last time I went there. I will not let that happen because of me again.

Gray threw Jellal off me and shouted at his face once again. "Shut up, Jellal! You are not bringing Erza back to that cursed place as long as I'm here. Say whatever you want, I'm protecting a fellow comrade of mine." It was starting to get heated between the two of them and somehow I felt as if we three were a love triangle.

Does Gray like me?

I needed to stop this somehow. So I did the possibly most dangerous thing ever.

"Gray, leave him alone. Jellal, I'll go with you." I could feel his two comrades and the rest of our Fairy Tail "squad" just looking at us, not knowing what to do, if they were even supposed to be doing anything

Jellal finally smiled somewhat genuinely and just for one nanosecond, I saw his eyes flashing a I-Need-To-Tell-You-Something look towards me. "Now that's the way, Scarlet. Ben, release all of them. Oh wait, before that, ask your friends not to try attacking us or following you unless all of them will be following you to the Tower of Heaven."

In order not to get them in danger, I decided to put on a brave front and commanded them, "Wendy, Carla, Lucy, just go back to the guild. I'll be alright. Happy, watch over Natsu. Natsu Dragneel, control yourself. No need to come looking for me." Trying my best to ignore his remarks, I turned to Gray.

I looked right into his eyes and saw care, anger, and maybe just maybe, love in his eyes. I could get lost in those beautiful eyes of his. After taking a deep breath, I managed to speak something. "Gray, you... follow them back to the guild... and Juvia."

Crap. The last part was unintentional. It was a slip of the tongue. I looked at Gray and saw him clenching his fists. He was about to say something but swallowed it back. When the Shiki Jutsu was lifted, he silently going back the way we came without even saying a word. Not even a "Don't mention her name." Or a "Take care of yourself, okay?" None. He just left.

Gray needs to stop breaking my heart.

After Jellal, Ben and the other comrade whose name I still did not know made sure Gray and the others left, Jellal put his arm around my shoulder. "Scarlet, it has been a long time, huh?" As much as I wanted to punch him in the face there and then? I just couldn't do it. My heart was beating so fast.

We continued walking for hours and we finally stopped. However, standing in front of me wasn't the Tower of Heaven.

It was a beaten-up old cottage, with strangers surrounding it, guarding the cottage from unwanted people. The moment they saw us, they bowed down to Jellal and stepped back for us.

Once we entered the cottage which looked like it could collapse any time, Ben and the other comrade left us alone as Jellal brought me down a staircase, leading to a basement.

"So Erza, how would you like to die?" Jellal said as he smirked.


helloooo thanks for the support, as usual !! remember to follow, vote, comment and share! thanks :-)

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