A wonderful time just started

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„Hi mom, how are you and dad?"
„ We're fine, what about Orlando and you?"
„ That's the reason why I called you, something happened and we would like to come over and tell it you and dad, it's important."
„ Are you two okay? Has something bad happened?!"
„ No mom, we're fine, it's a great thing, can we come tomorrow maybe?"
„ Mhhh yes, we aren't at home in the morning but you can come in the afternoon, is that okay?"
„ Yes perfect, see you tomorrow mom, love you!"
„ I'm excited to see both of you, we love you too, bye!"

We packed our bags and went to bed. Orlando said: „Your mom is excited right?" „She thought something bad happened", I told him. „ Can we go and visit my grandma too please? She needs to know it either", I asked. „ Of course we can honey, we can do everything you want."
When I woke up, I wondered because he wasn't next to me anymore. But than he came in with a big tablet full of jam, butter, croissants, honey and two cups coffee. „ Awee you're such a wonderful husband, you made me breakfast in bed with everything I love to eat but you forgot the plates and knives, shall I eat with my fingers?", I giggled. But he went in the kitchen and brought me both. Than we ate together and went in the bathroom. We dressed us up and drove to the airport. „ It's very cool to have a popstar as a girlfriend, you've got always a private plane ", he joked. We sat down on our seats and flew to Santa Barbara.

A few hours later we stood in front of the door of my parent's house. Mom opened. „ Hello dear, I can't wait longer for the surprise! You're stunning like always. And Orlando, yesterday I watched a movie with you and you're such an amazing actor and boyfriend, I hope, too.", she said,„ but come in first of all. Keith! Katy and Orlando arrived!" Dad gave us a hug, than we sat in the living room and ate a cake. „ Mom, dad, I know you had to wait long so I'll say it short. Something wonderful happened, I'm pregnant. We don't know yet if it'll be a boy or a girl, but it's healthy. And Orlando and me wanna marry.", I told them. „ I'm very happy for you two, that's wonderful. You have to call us when you know what it is ", dad said. My mom started crying, she's always getting emotional by these things. But I knew she was proud of us. I hugged my parents. My grandma reacted the same, but she said to Orlando he has to watch out for me and the baby, because she knows also my dark side. Lando laughed only and answered he'll do his best. I love them all so much, specially our little baby. I called my siblings too and they were very happy for us and promised they will come home tomorrow. My parents will be grandparents than the second time, my grandma great-granny, my sister aunt like me and my brother uncle. A wonderful time just started...

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