Wedding time

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The alarm of my phone rang, oh god it was just 6am. In that moment a pillow flew at my head, a second after that another one. „ Oh god girls! It's 6am in the morning, why are you throwing pillows?", I asked sleepy. But than I joined the pillow fight, until we were sweating and laying on the ground while we had a laugh attack. Tamra made us sandwiches and we sat on the beach and watched the sunrise. „ Today is your wedding day boo!", Shannon whispered in my ear. „ Yeah, let's hurry so I can sleep another hour in my bed until the makeup artists come!", I replied. So we disassembled the tent, packed our bags, drove home and slept another hour.
Around 8 my sister woke me up and we went in the bathroom where the artists and my mom were waiting already. Someone brought us coffee while we became our makeup, but the hair stylist was missing. She came a half hour too late and I got really nervous. But in the end we looked all gorgeous and everything was fine. My sister helped me with my dress, it was perfect. The rose gold diadem was shining on my head, the veil fitted perfect to the tulle roses on the lower part and the line that twined around the upper part made my body skinnier. I was very excited to see Orlando in his suit  and how he would react when he would see me in a few minutes. My mom and sister drove to the registry office and I walked down the stairs. When I came out of the door, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, it wasn't too cold but either not too warm, a perfect wedding day. I just hoped that we would marry without any paparazzi. Than I saw him, he stood in front of the limousine and smiled at me, he looked gorgeous in his suit. I ran  into his arms. He hugged me and looked at my dress. A long while he just stared at me and than he said: „ Wow, Katy. I've never seen such a beautiful dress on you, you look stunning, gorgeous, incredible! Have I told you that you're the most beautiful human in the galaxy?" He kissed me, than we sat down in the limousine and drove to the registry office. It wasn't that special, very formal but when I looked at Lando while he said he wants to marry me and I replied the same, we had both tears in our eyes.
After the registry office, we drove to the church. Our families waited for us, winked and screamed when we arrived. Lando helped me out of the car and we walked in. Everyone threw rose petals on us while we were walking to the altar. The marriage was very romantically, we said yes, changed the rings, but while Lando kissed me most legendary, the pianist played „ Unconditionally" and everybody in the church started crying. We ran carefully back to the limousine and drove to our villa where we would celebrate.
Our families arrived slowly, we got a lot presents and the best wishes for our wedlock. We took photos with everyone and talked to a lot people, but than Lando took my hand and we walked outside to the little bridge over the lake. I asked: „ What are you doing?" And he gave me a little box. I opened it, there was a golden love lock in it. „ Oh my god honey, you're so cute!", I whispered while I kissed him. We closed the love lock at one of the metal rods from the bridge and threw the key together in the lake. Than we went back to our guests. We listened to the speeches from our families. I took the microphone and said thanks to everyone, than Tamra and Shannon came on stage and we sang with all the guests firework. Lando came too and hugged me, he stroked my tummy and whispered in my ear how beautiful I am. Than we were cutting the big gorgeous wedding cake and ate dinner, cake and candy. Everything was very tasty, Sarah did an amazing job. The rest of the night we danced and talked to everyone, got more presents and made more photos. It was perfect. I met Lando's aunt and her man, his cousins and a few friends I didn't knew yet. They were all very polite and I liked them from the beginning. The hole wedding was perfect. Around three or four in the morning, I took a picture of my ring and posted it on Instagram and Twitter with the caption: I'm so lucky to have the best husband in the world and tagged Orlando.

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