Cold heart

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It was night, I sat in a hotel with my phone, everything around me was dark, I heard someone crying. „Lou, that's Lou crying in the living room" I thought. I tried to stand up but I couldn't, couldn't move my legs no matter how hard I tried. I wanted to say Lando that she's crying but when I opened my mouth, no word came out. I felt like under water, I heard Lou screaming but it felt like she was miles away from me. My phone in my hand got hot, like it would explode. I stared shocked on it. Blurry black words came out of it like a hurricane, they came into the room until I couldn't see anything else. "Katy Perry is a racist", "Orlando Bloom's and Katy Perry's relationship is fake", "Does Katy Perry everything for money?", headlines of articles, fake rumors, everything bad the newspaper rode about myself intruded me. It took all my happiness, my heart got cold of the old pains. I heard Lou again, now she was near by me, something cold stroked my face, I screamed. I saw her in front of me, she laid in her bed like usual, but over her little bed was the headline "Lou Harmony Hudson isn't Katy Perry's daughter". My body  got ice old. "Katy, Katy!" Someone screamed.
"Katy, what happened are you okay? It's just a dream honey, everything is fine I'm here", I heard Lando saying. I slowly opened my eyes and whispered: "Where is Lou?" He brought her to me, she cried like in my dream. "She's our daughter right? Everything is fine?", I asked scared of the truth. "Of course she is", Lando answered surprised. I told him my dream and breastfed her. "Don't get worried about the articles, they just need money, we two know better what we're doing and what's true or not than the magazines, they're all shit. Don't be scared of them, I'm here for you always", he told me. Than he kissed my forehead, hugged me and Lou and me fell asleep in his arms again.

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