Whats in the box???

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Ever since I lived here in this house with my Aunt I had wanted to know what was in the box, and now that I can figure out, I feel excited. For so long i have wandered what it is and now i can see.... So I pulled the lid of it and there it was the truth to my mothers past. why she didn't want me... there was a bunch of old pictures and newspaper articles that said " Infant left on a door stoop." And the articles all read "Jennia Franoldon was left on a door step late last night by her mother" now I understand why she didn't want me she didn't want me to have to go through life with her trying to find her mother. But why did she not think i would want to find her?

I heard the door slam shut i forgot where i was for a moment. i shut the box and stood up. I walked down the ladder of the attic and shut the door. I walked down the hall quietly trying not to disturb my aunt. She was siting at the kitchen table when all of the sudden she fell out in the floor. I ran to her side and she said call the hospital. I got my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911.

i heard the ambulance from up the street i ran outside. the emt's asked me what happened i said " i don't know stop asking me questions and help her" one of them ran in there and then he came out and looked at me and then at the other EMT and had the saddest look in his eyes i looked at his partners face she looked at me and said "this is hard to tell you cause you look so young but your aunt is dead" I collapsed to the ground crying. I started to punch the ground. I couldn't stop i never realized that i loved my aunt until now and she is gone. then the girl EMT said " it'll be okay i understand how you feel you lost your family" i stopped punching and crying and looked up at her. She was looking at me with pity. that look that my aunt gave me when the social worker said " her mother left her on the neighbors porch". 

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