Chapter 4

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Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom

Ch. 4

By: Cutegirlmayra (So... I lost my motivation to write another chapter for Instincts XD And because of that, I've decided to regain it by just moving off it for a while and writing for my other stories I've been neglecting. This one was the last I re-read and it just makes me so excited to get back into it. You're all going to love it! Well, I hope so anyway. Here we go! ;3 )

Shadow entered into the deep dungeons of his gloomy and half robotic castle. His purple cape flowing behind him as he moved down the spiraling steps quickly, before finally reaching the open room, as the robotic dragon shut down at scanning him, as Shadow just walked swiftly on under itself.

Shadow entered the next room with robots scurrying all around the Master Emerald, as it was giving power to them, and they harnessed it into huge battery packs, which left the room in crates soon after.

Shadow looked up at the Master Emerald, shifting his gaze over its curves and edges. "You... are the one I've been fighting... and killing so many for?" he reached his hand up, as if to touch it but he was too far away, and gripped his hand tightly into a fist, shaking it. "You've given them power for years... But when Maria needed that power, you denied it to me!" He raged, as the robots around him stopped working, to stare at him and then look at each other.

The robots had dome heads with sharp noses like beaks or screws, and there eyes were itty-biddy round circles separated a little farther from the nose, making them resemble Eggman in a weird sense... They also had cylinder bodies that made up the rest of their feeble frames, as they were mostly made to work or study, do what they were told, which was mostly the dirty work around the castle.

"Ah, Shadow..."

Shadow was glaring down at his trembling hand that he had squeezed so hard into a fist that his fingers could barely uncurl now. Slowly doing so, he finally snapped out of his past. Having remembered the old Doctor, Eggman's grandfather, who had tried to use the Master Emerald's power to heal Maria, and then, when that failed... tried to resurrect her.

He had gone mad doing multiple experiments on himself, before affecting him with so much chaos energy that he ended up dying from all the uncontrolled chaos creating radiation poisoning like symptoms.


"I'm not surprised to see you here... but I am surprised that you didn't end Sonic when you had the chance!"

Eggman walked up, at first composed with his hands behind his back, before growing enraged and swinging his arm out, knocking a stack of crates over, breaking them to reveal all the hulking and charged batteries in them.

"Hmph, to have killed him now would only prove child's play. I wish for the end of the blood-line to at least be an acceptable battle." He turned himself to the side, not looking at Eggman directly. "I've spent years hunting his family down to obtain their birthright over the Chaos Kingdom... and for the wish to avenge Maria's death... I only wish to end it on a somewhat honorable note." He folded his arms; he was actually intrigued with Sonic's very different demeanor from the rest of his family who had tried to fight Shadow before. To have his sword taken from him... that move... he may have been rash, but his life was spared only because of the potential Shadow saw in him. He wanted a great end, an epic battle of skill and wit to end all wars for good, by some noble king... not some runt who just got lucky for a split moment! "Besides, I was only the distraction. I wanted to test his skill. I gave him my greeting, next time, I will not be so kind." He unfolded his arms and tugged down on one of his gloves, narrowing his eyes as if, for a moment,... he was secretly psyched about the next time he could fight Sonic again.

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