Chapter 14

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Sonic and The ChaosKingdom

Ch. 14

By: Cutegirlmayra (So, I've resolved to never intentionally write chapters where I make my audience mad on purpose because I'm not fast enough in popping these chapters out to show them that there's nothing to worry about TxT I just wanted more emotion in my stories, lol. I did a huge review thing to try and state that "everything's going to be okay, just be patient, I'm writing Sonic's struggles so don't worry." But my roommate said that it could just be fishing for spoilers. I don't want to believe that, cause I care about you all very deeply, but I will appease to please, lol! So here it goes, Sonic's made a resolution, but that doesn't mean he's completely changed. His heart can still be corrupted again, it's up to him to keep it pure. So he's got a lot of work ahead of him. Please keep reading to find out the further arcs I have in store, this isn't even CLOSE to the end, so remember, drama is apart of life, and even the things that make us angry at the character only give them a past that we can compare their future selves to later, and see how much they've progressed since then. I'm planning carefully all the little stepping stones, and I appreciate your comments. Please don't ever feel like you can't talk to me about your concerns, it helps me as a writer to know how you're interpreting my writing and only makes me better. I love all of you! That will never change! :D I care deeply about all your opinions, I'll be anyone's friend! I'm not easily offended, just easily sad if you don't trust me to be okay with your feelings. Alright, lovelies! Let's get this story moving again, shall we?!)

A blue blur scaled across the walls, running along before dashing off and slamming into the ground, rolling around at the speed of sound, before coming up and startling a yellow fox with a whole lot of books in his arms.

"W-woah!" Tails staggered, before planting his feet firmly down to the ground, holding a stone-face as his body didn't move, but the books rustled back slowly into position, before he sighed in relief, and looked to Sonic.

The expression on his face still showed an uncertainty, as Sonic uncurled and leaned an arm on the side of the wall where he was going to pass a corner.

"Hiya, Tails!" Sonic winked in a friendly way and casually flipped a hand out to greet his friend.

"...Hello, Sonic." Tails lowered his head, his ears drawn back, uneasy and not sure how to take him. "Is there something you want?"

He flinched, breaking his cool pose and looking a little hurt. "Yikes! Harsh, Tails... I was just wondering if I could help you with those books or something..." He then saw little response from Tails, as he just looked away and seemed like he was going to be careful about his answer.

This had been going on for 3 months now, as the army was off looking for the missing whereabouts of Shadow, the ArkKingdom was on high alert, and also scanning and fortifying their strongholds, ready for a battle of their freedom should one arise again.

Eggman... had been keeping low, and so far, no one saw him as a threat.

They had thought he ran for the hills by now, and was to never be heard of again... nor his clanky metal army.

"W-well, I'm-uh-" Before Tails could answer, Sonic noticed what the answer would be.

It was always the same.

"Here! I've got it! No sweat!" In a quick swoop, he took the books out of Tails's hand, and balanced them while goofily lifting his legs up high, as if wanting to move on as quick as possible to put these books down and please Tails.

"A-a-ah-ah! Be careful, Sonic!" Tails reached out for the books, before leaning back and putting his hands on his head, freaking out. "I've spent hours alphabetizing those and-!"

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