Chapter 9

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Sonic and The Chaos Kingdom

Ch. 9

(I had to look over notes and figure my story out xD haha! I combined and took out a lot to try and make everything flow better. I'm planning to move on to stage 2 of this story, which means things are gonna start changing up from how they've previously been. Just a different pace after all the action/drama going on. I still hope you like it, cause it gets real good. I still have a lot to do on this story... xp but bear with me, it's gonna be one heck of a ride! Let's get started-or, err... continuing, shall we?)

All hail the King! All hail the King! The King of Chaos! Of Bravery, of truth, of valor! All hail!

As the town crier threw out his papers with Sonic's beautiful face on it, cool as ever, as the people rejoiced at the new found freedom and peace they received. Not only was the immortal prince in custody, but he was to be tried for every evil and wicked deed he had ever done, and this excited the people immensely. They had heard the legends of old before, but their grandparents had lived and breathed it, some even speaking of later ancestors who had told them stories of old as well about the Immortal Prince.

To think, they're usually reckless king, actually conquering the Eggman Empire's tyrannical reign and ending the war for good?

And he'd only been king for a short time at that!

The people demanded a celebration, and to honor their King, which Sonic, didn't really know what to say to it all...

"But Sonic! Everyone and their grandmother wants to honor you! You saved the world!" Tails joyfully expanded his arms out, thrilled at the wonderful renewal of hope and life the Master Emerald had given everyone, through of course, Sonic's miraculous actions. "I always thought you'd want the attention..."

"Euuhh." Sonic moaned, rolling his eyes to the side, and putting his hand up under his chin, as his other foot was bent up and on his throne with him, the other hanging down. "Don't get me wrong, Tails. I love the praise, but a simple 'thank you' is good enough for me." He stated, closing his eyes as he was usually reluctant to accept gifts or people's appreciation through money or whatsoever it may be. He felt a hero's only reward should be the good and well-being of those he'd saved, and that it was wrong to ask more of them, unless the situation required something more... as if he needed to walk through their land and in the beginning they weren't too thrilled about the idea, but once you help them out of a sticky situation, they suddenly make a truce with you, then that's a nice gesture he could accept.

"Sonic..." Tails's ears flattened a little bit. "It would be considered rude to deny them their celebration..." he then continued, peeping up a bit. "I mean-" he put forth his hand, "Technically... you just have to be there. They need this, Sonic. After the trauma of what Advisor Eggman put them through, they just want a good reason to party hard and dance a lot!" he started dancing, moving his hands up and down from the sides and then switching to the other side and doing the same action. "Haha, it'll be fun!"

"...Eggman..." Sonic opened his eyes, and looked down at the ground, his eyebrows narrowing slightly. He then sat up straight, putting his leg and arm down. "Tails, what's the news on Advisor Eggman's whereabouts?" Something didn't feel right about that...

"Oh? Uhh... well." Tails also stood straight, seeing Sonic's demeanor change into a slightly more serious and concerned manner. He put his hands behind his back and lowered his tails to rest on the floor, something he normally wouldn't do because the floors were always 'too dirty' for his beloved twin tails. "I believe the army hasn't found him yet. They think he's gone into hiding, which would probably be the best strategy.." Tails looked innocently up at Sonic before looking down and putting a hand to his chin, thinking... "Considering... he's not very much... 'well-received'... in his own lands.." Tails stated.

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