Bonus Story: Skid and The Chaos Kingdom

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Skid and The Chaos Kingdom

Bonus Story

By: Cutegirlmayra (Hey yall! It's been tough with drama and emotional stuff I've been having to deal with to find the energy to write. It's really difficult. But I've been trying to at least edit and get some stuff done. As you know, this will be the last story to Chaos Kingdom, and afterwards, I'll be editing for Instincts and Metallic Need and giving them a second season. The plots already have been laid out so please, stay tuned for that~ and now, ado my good friends, until the next wonderful story! Also, big thank you to everyone who's been supporting me. And for the suggestion to put the Babylon Rogues back in business! :Db)

Returning once again into the Chaos lands, Shadow strode with half his cape draped over his muzzle, into the deserts that border the edge of where the uncharted territories and the Chaos Kingdom lay. However, the territories were finally named and mapped by Shadow's own hand, continually returning to Sonic's kingdom and presenting them to him with their respected names and information he's gathered concerning them.

Sonic, receiving this happily and dutifully, then make decisions based on peace and the prosperity of his kingdom to befriend or let be certain territories.

After many years away, Shadow strides into a town bordering the desert wastelands, and unwinds his cape to drape back down by his shoulders and back.

Maria, having strode behind him, wearing more of a traveler's apparel, silently helps the cape down and makes sure it doesn't obscure itself by his long, back quills.

Although half immortal, Maria has aged into a beautiful but tough young woman. Silently and steadfastly following her father through his many long journey's and aiding him in any oath-driven task he receives.


They walk together into a tavern, the place going silent even in their music, as all continue to recognize the face of the immortal prince of peace.

Some with ancient respect for his penance, and others still with dread or hate, seeing nothing but a bad omen in both him and his company...

Shadow turned to Maria, silently giving her a cue to take a seat.

She found a table and immediately sat to it.

After buying more provisions and receiving smack from the tavern's keeper, the two carried one bag each and left.

However, three men snickered to one another, eying Maria, before walking out of the tavern.

About her age, they stopped Shadow and her in their tracks.

The dust rose slightly... as wind began to silently streak by their wicked expressions.

"Hey, forsaken loser!" A kid cried out, as Maria glared up at them, but Shadow kept his head down, his expression emotionless.

"Hehehe,... You're still under the oath of the Chaos King, right?" One pointed, with a knowing eyebrow slanted upwards to Shadow.

He remained silent...

Maria looked to him, but said nothing.

The boys snickered, "Give us your daughter for a night, old man!"

Maria flinched back, eyes widening at their impudence, although she wasn't entirely unused to this sort of behavior.

Some lands would just try to seize her, and they'd be force to run or fight depending on the circumstance. It was becoming difficult for her father to do his life's work with her now.

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