Chapter 13

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Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom

Ch. 13

(I know there was a lot of controversy last chapter... but I promise you, don't give up on Sonic just yet. At the end of this chapter, we're all gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya as we sway.)

Amy, for the past several months, has been doing incredible at governing and ruling over the Chaos Kingdom. With no word on Sonic yet, the kingdom has begun to speculate, against Amy's wishes to try and keep it only within the walls of the castle. However, she has began, as her friends have noticed, to become stone cold in her expressions, having been disciplined many times by the Council for being too caring and heavily invested in debates and decisions that should be taking with a professional standpoint.

Before this, her heart had ruled her decisions, but now, it was becoming more and more apparent that her emotions were staying hidden behind a mask of solemn refinement, and with all the learning she rapidly absorbed at amazing rates, her remarkable way of handling affairs began to spread even further love and appreciation throughout the kingdom.

Though her reign wasn't perfect, it did sustain the kingdom, but the Council began to wonder if Sonic had fully given up all right of King to Amy, and questioned whether he was still fit to reign...

"It's perpostrous to leave his new Queen in charge for so long, even if his mission was dire, he once again left without the consent of the council! He has yet to mature into the king this land needs to be maintained and strengthened by!"

A councilmen slammed his fist to his pulpit, standing straight up, as the chief of them stroked his beard, and turned to see Tails's expression.

Low, he held himself in humble reverence and sorrow, knowing his words would fall on deaf ears.

They're wasn't much to reclaim a standing for Sonic in the Council much anymore, considering they were all very much on Amy's side, and wanted some form of justice for such a long-lasting crime of being away from the judgment seat so long.

"He may have won a war, but he lost the prisoner!" another roared out, as Tails's head flinched.

The news of Shadow's escape was definitely alarming, and that's when people started demanding Sonic's sentence, for him to do something... but that's also when they learned that Amy was the only one in power at this certain time.

Needless to say, the people took it on a personal matter, feeling rejected and forgotten, as if Amy represented them in some form.

"The people adore their Queen, but even she has not the skill, capacity, or upbringing of years of commitment and dedication to this craft. To rule is not one can just so easily learn-"

"Yes, but she has been substantial in keeping this kingdom afloat. We cannot excuse her natural ability to lead-"

"Objection! Sonic is still king! She is still limited to right that only a king can make!"

"Further opposition, my friend! I declare that she should be sole heir and there should be a new king to replace!"

"The bloodline would be shamed!"

"Silence!" The chief councilmen hammered his rebuttal. "Sonic is king by birth, unless dead, or fit unworthy, we can't decide these matters."

"...But Chief... he's gone."

The truth was a sad matter, but the Chief sighed, not really favoring Sonic either, but stood up, rising to his position and stature, and put a hand over his long judgment robes. "He has not abandoned us completely. I wish to believe that he is once again doing another wonder, even if it is beneath protocol. If our Queen is right, then he's protecting and saving us all. I wish to believe that than the later."

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