Chapter 5

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Sonic and The Chaos Kingdom



'General Knuckles and King Sonic found a spot for us to set up tent and camp for the remainder of the night. The King is worried we may be stopped if we camp for too long, and after our brave General's often times loud discussions of that concern rang through the tunnels, we were up and early the next day to avoid any possible halting of this covert mission. We continued along the path that never strays, a long and endless tunnel. I worry for Cynthia back home, I know this could damage my families generational honor, but what the General had said... we have to do this. For King and country. For freedom from war. For the sake of all mankind... if only our hearts were prepared for the dangers that lie in store... My good friend, Kip Cunman, just read over my shoulder and told me to write that- no battle is without the fear of disappointment, but no battle is won on thoughts of regret. Meaning, to give it your all and not look back! It may get challenging... even frightful at times, but don't let your inadequacies keep you from miracles! I'm proud to fight alongside such an amazing man, and I hope to learn a lot from him, just like the Battle at Angel Cove. I have great men to follow too, though, may I not be framed as traitorous for this comment, I have yet to see the King truly prove his love for his people and country... that may sound harsh, but Kip assured me it's what everyone is waiting for. Will it be in a speech? Like his crowning debut? Will it be on battle, though that time was a little confusing... but he did save us all from the thunder-driven and powered technology that High Councilmen Prower had once spoken of. I never want my dear Cynthia to have to see such cold, unblinking for life eyes that those beast had contained in one... single... stare. Nevertheless, the orders are out, we are to scout out the remainder of the tunnel. As a loyal countryman and solider, I've volunteered while taking my writing break. If anything happens, I love you Cynthia. Tell our boy he's making me proud as he's training to be a blacksmith, and tell Kip's wife he's happy to have been her solider. For King and Country... Adieu, until I write again.'

"All out? Forward!" Knuckles cried out, moving his large axe forward on his horse, as a few men, about 3 or so, took off down the narrow tunnel, carrying torches for light along the way.

One solider looked back, slight worry and sorrow in his eyes, but another solider (Kip) caught his stare, and started banging his left shoulder's plated-armor with the hilt of his sword, as others saw and followed the expression.

Sonic looked around, confused at the noise that was being echoed through the tunnels, and looked to Knuckles, "What's going on?" he asked.

Knuckles smiled, and bowed his head in reverence at the actions of his just men. "It's a battle-cheer. They're telling their brave comrades to keep their swords close to their hearts, so they can meet again, in a time of hopefully, peace."

Sonic slightly gawked, "Oohh.." Never seeing a scene so touching as brotherly love like this before, as his mouth hung in an 'o' shape as he looked behind him again, and saw how the scouts up ahead called out a cheer of 'yahoos!' and 'yehaws!" as they strode away on horseback; Showing they understood the expression and were comforted by it.

The noise stopped as Sonic got fired up, smirking and getting the reins of his horse, rearing Wind Rider up. "Alright then! Let's charge too!"

"Not yet." Knuckles stood firm, unamusement in his face.

"Huh?" Sonic looked to him again, confused, as his horse settled down, but looked upset at being fired up only to stand still, and huffed his head a moment or two, before stomping on the ground in anxiousness. "What do you mean, 'not yet'? Is that even a phrase?"

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