Chapter 6

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Sonic and The Chaos Kingdom

Ch. 6

(So, I promised someone that because the last chapter was so short, I'd lengthen this one a bit more. I had a 'Welcome Home!' party I had to get too, cause... you know, it was about me! :D anyway, that's why the last one was so short. I'm making it a point now to edit and re-read before I submit. I hope that helps with the quality of my writing. I used to be one who had the theory, 'if you want to get popular in your stories, it's quantity over quality. But I find the best writers are those who value both the quantity and the quality. They're the truly dedicated ones. I thought to myself, 'how dedicated are you?' then I looked to you guys, your reviews, and I smiled. I'm dedicated to my friends, and that's why I have to keep writing. Because I know how the story ends, but they don't. I hope yall enjoy Sonic and The Chaos Kingdom. It's got a lot more to go! But I hope to finish it as I said I would when I got back. So here's me! Keeping my promises to my friends! Who you are :3 thanks again for supporting me buddies! I love each and everyone of ya. Even the haters make me feel like my stories are good enough to be hated upon xD At least that means it was popular enough for someone to be jealous about, right?)

"What? That' s impossible! The Chaos Kings have all been hedgehogs! You're just a tweety bird!" Sonic called out, confused by his notion of royalty.

"Erk!? YOU FOOL! I meant of REAL chaos! Not some mythological power source that keeps your stupid people 'happy' and 'dancing all around'." He acted silly as he said 'happy' and such, seeming to make fun of the ideologies of the Chaos people. "Pfft! I'm talking about the king of mayhem! Of disorder and fraud! Of lies..." he smirked, and then pointed a haughty finger at Sonic, "You're not even good enough to breathe the same air as me!"

Sonic clenched his teeth, not liking his mockery, and glared.

"Take them with us...

We'll have a field day with these fools...heheheh.."

As Jet chuckled to himself, his mind whirled with schemes on how to use this 'perfect' opportunity he's found himself in for his advantage. But Banks slowly, ever so quietly, hid and waited below, his eyes narrowed to a glare, also thinking...

When the shadows dispersed, the three soldiers and Sonic were all taken with them, as Knuckles and the rest of the army finally were able to turn around.


"He's been captured,... sir." Banks stood below the ditch, and got up from sitting near his horse, who followed his head motion of looking up at Knuckles.


"My Captain." Banks interrupted his rant.

"Grr... Banks! How many times have I told you to just let me... vent it out!" he flung an arm out, having the axe in his other, and breathed heavily in both anger, panic, and worry for his king and friend. "What is it? What news do you have for me?" There was now a softer tone in Knuckles's voice, he had deep respect for his sergeant, which looked to be a lot of trust.

"They've taken him captive, but I don't think they're going to hurt him just yet." Banks looked to his horse, "We should follow them. This Tunnel doesn't seem to have any other directions too it but a straight line. I suggest we follow silently behind, and see what they're up too." He got up on his horse, and looked up. "That is, if we can somehow find a skillful manner to get out of this mess..." he looked at the titles Sonic had impressively maneuvered his horse around and through, having leaped to the right square tablet of the upheaved floor to get up and out.

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