Chapter 9.

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-Kim Taehyung-

{Chapter 9: old memories are made of Jasmine tea.}

I handed him his bag that I had been holding when we started walking.  completely forgotten I was holding it with sweaty hands from nervousness, my eyes went straight to where Jungkooks eyes were firmly placed, he stood still causing me to stop too.

He was looking to where the literal devil stood causing me to let out a deep sigh, he looked down at me causing me to go red.

She was staring at us with a glare, just to piss her off even more I grabbed a hold of his bicep with my now free hand I felt his arm tense at the action.

"You asked me to be your fake boyfriend...So let's give her a show. "

Eyes were still trained on me, his mouth lightly parted when I gave him a small smile before pulling him along towards the building.

We reached the cement steps and I looked up to see her tapping her converse covered foot. Her face held a fake smile and too much sun screen foundation making her look white washed compared to her slightly tanned neck.

"So you were telling the truth bunny." Her higher pitched voice said causing me to roll my eyes, whenever it came to Jungkook she always made her voice a bit higher which was I guess to sound more attractive when in reality she sounded like Jackson on helium.

"Yeah. Now can I go through?" Jungkook asked giving my hand a tight squeeze, she moved out of our way allowing us to walk away. When we made it into the school I released a deep sigh that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Alright let's go to our lockers and meet each other at 'B hall.'  I'll walk you to your first period." Jungkook said before giving me a kiss on the cheek walking off, I rubbed the spot where he kissed me a blush already forming on my cheeks.

I walked over to my dark green locker that had white stripes on it showing off the school colors just like every other locker in this hall, I felt a pair of eyes burning into my back but I didn't turn around I just continued on exchanging my notebooks and grabbing out a textbook for my next class which was ap math with Mr. Jeen who was always happy this early in the morning making me kind of regret joining his class.

I slammed my locker close with a textbook tightly clasped in my arms, I walked over to 'B hall' where jungkook stood leaning against the wall his back pack exchanged for two pens, a 5 subject notebook and a science textbook.

"So what class do you go to?" Jungkook asked when i finally reached him, he looked relaxed and it was new to me to see him this early usually I only see him during English and lunch.

"I u-uh go to D hall room 415, you don't have to walk me..." I spoke up feeling awkward when I felt people stare at us, it was all new to have the spotlight firmly placed on me as if I was trying out for bighit entertainment or something.

"Nah I can walk you, I head that way for science anyways so it works out perfectly, but I do have a question for you." he said causing me to look up at him feeling a little scared as to what he would say, I only gave him a simple nod as a way to say ask away.

"Do you even like boys?"

I choked on my own spit.


"it's okay if you don't and your just doing this to help me out and if so thank you."

"I u-uh...Yeah I kinda do like boys."

"Ah sweet. So do I."

I felt shook.

Jesus take the wheel from me right now, who knew popular boy Jungkook  who has made out with a bunch of girls is down for boys. I'm a boy. So i clearly fit that.

No duh Taehyung you're a boy.
I thought to myself with a sigh.


"But I only found that out recently...Do you think there is such thing as falling in love with the same gender and realizing a bunch of things you didn't understand till that moment?"

We were close to my class, my eyes felt a bit hazy as I started to recall when I first learned the feeling of  liking boys was when I didn't just think about how jungkook was handsome but I started to think about how cute he would be if I kissed his cheeks, being the reason a little giggle left his mouth.

"Yeah. I fell in love with a boy I knew would never like me, it hurt. It still hurts. But I rather listen to the boy talk about who he is in love with then never hear him talk to me at all...That's how you know you love a person I think, no matter the gender,their skin color, what weight they are, or how much money they make. As long as their smile brightens up your whole day and makes you feel alright for once then love them with your whole heart."

I didn't stutter which was new to me, but we reached my math class and Jungkooks face wasn't smiling which was also new to me. His face held a new emotion; admiration.

"okay well..i'm uh gonna go in ...see you in English... "

He nodded giving me a little pat on the head before walking to his class, I felt the weight that was on my shoulders suddenly be lifted. I walked into the class taking my seat near the window only a few students were in the class causing me to relax a bit knowing nobody heard or saw that little conversation.

I smelled the same scent I once smelled each time I came home from kindergarten, the smell was jasmine green tea and mint. I suddenly felt small and weak, it was the same scent that I always felt sick from.

Over the past couple of years I have learned to hate the scent that reminded me of him.

I leaned my face down onto my arm trying to wipe the smell away from my senses, I heard the chair next to my desk squeak causing me to look over to see a new face I have never seen before in this class.

"Hello I'm Lee Taeyong, I'm new to the school...what is your name if I may ask?" A boy with silver hair asked, he wore a long sleeved black shirt that was loosely fit everywhere else besides his chest.

I recognized the last name and the scent, putting two and two together hoping I was deeply wrong.

"I'm Kim T-taehyung..."

The boy with silver hair smiled lightly showing off his crisp perfectly straight white teeth making me tense seeing as how I wasn't used to people smiling at me nor was I used to this scent that I have pushed to the back of my mind.

"That's a nice name very similar to mine, I hope we can become friends."

I nodded showing a small smile even though on the inside I wanted to rush home and cry.

Because that same jasmine tea with mint was the type of tea that filled up the air, making it to where when you left that small area you were in you smelled exactly like it.

It was the tea that only rich men drank, It was the tea that was requested by a very powerful, rich and well known chairmen. He was known by this tea, because most people found the bitter and random minty taste gross, but to him it tasted like chocolate did to little kids.

Lee Sedkang.

My father.

🏴thank you for reading chapter 9😄

Edited by me!💞

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