Chapter 10.

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-Jeon Jungkook-

{Chapter 10: Cypher.}

I sat in English speaking class with Wonho who seemed to be zoned out on his worksheet. I nudged his elbow causing him to finally look up from the worksheet with words we didn't understand.

"You alright there bud?" I asked taking out my ear bud, he shook his head before closing his eyes letting out a long sigh.

"My ex- boyfriend transferred to our school." He rubbed his face, my eyebrows raised letting out a tiny gasp.

"Damn dude, have you guys spoke yet?"

"Nope and if we do I just know he will cry then I'll cry and feel even more shitty."

"Why did you guys break up in the first place?"

"I was drunk and kissing his older brother, so that didn't go to smoothly. In my defense they look alike and I was pretty wasted. He hasn't forgiven me and its been a year since all of that shit storm..." Wonho replied before hitting his forehead onto the desk letting out a groan of frustration.

"Well I mean it kind of understandable why he wouldn't forgive you...Just don't dwell on it okay" he nodded at my words closing his textbook the worksheet tucked between its pages.

- time skip to lunch-

I saw Taehyung walking into the cafeteria with a fancy bag with the words " Ma Lang gourmet." 

I motioned him over and thankfully he saw me waving him over, Jimin looked up from his rice to see who was coming over his mouth gaped a bit at Taehyung. He sat next to me his eyes not meeting mine as he placed his bag between his feet underneath the table.

" I u-uh didn't know what you like.. So I got you black bean noodles and uh some shrimp sushi" he said pulling out a huge container of food and another one full of the noodles. My eye brows raised in surprise at him buying me food that was probably a lot of money.

"You didn't need to get me food babe." I said as Taehyungs cheeks tinted red along with the tip of his ears.

"It w-would be rude if I didn't..." He whispered before grabbing more food out of the bag for himself along with chopsticks for both of us.

"Thank you Tae, looks wonderful." I said while opening up the container. He nodded slightly fiddling with his chopsticks before opening up his own container.

We started to eat in silence before I realized my table was very quiet, I looked up to see the soccer team and Jimin looking at us. I raised an eyebrow before I saw Shownu show off a little smirk, Jimin stared at me a bit longer before gesturing over to where Taehyung sat eating quietly scrolling through Instagram.

Wait I didn't know he had Snapchat.

I will have to look into that.


"Uh. Oh. Okay...So this is my boyfriend Taehyung, we have been dating for the past month." I said before gesturing to Taehyung,he gave a little wave seeing as how he had sushi stuffed into his mouth making him look like a chipmunk causing me to giggle a bit at how dorky he was.

"Why didn't you ever tell me bro? Also....SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN INTO GUYS?" Jimin shouted squinting a bit leaning closer to me.

"For the past couple of months actually. Taehyung just made me fully realize it though. I mean look at how attractive he is." I said which led to Taehyung shyly look down, he quickly reached into his bag pulling out two Voss waters making me do a double take.

"I didn't know what type of water you would want so I picked the one I like..." He whispered to where the others wouldn't hear which either way they wouldn't hear since they were all to busy talking about how Taehyung and I were dating.

We talked and ate, lunch seemed a lot nicer while talking to Taehyung.I learned a lot more about him and he was able to learn a lot about me like how I really enjoy black bean noodles.

-both sitting in Jungkooks car leaving to go hang out at Jungkooks-

Taehyung plugged up his phone putting on some american music, by some guy named "Somo" kind of a weird name but the song was really good.

"I didn't see you to be the type to like rap music." I said while he sang quietly, he giggled a bit before speaking.

"I really like these underground rappers names Agust D, J-hope and Rapmonster." I have never seen their faces but I found them on SoundCloud one day...I like their cypher tracks."

To my suprise I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Okay Taehyung I need you to grab my phone out of the front pocket of my back pack and call the person under the name hobi."

He nodded grabbing my phone, he asked me for my pass code which I quickly gave to him that was pretty easy, he told me I should really change it since it was to easy.

"HELLO! JUNGKOOKIE-AH" I heard Hobi scream through the phone, since Taehyung had my phone on speaker, I rolled my eyes at his loudness letting out a chuckle.

"Hobi! I'm with a fan of you three." I spoke causing Taehyung to raise his eyebrow, shock clearly laced onto his face.

"AH! REALLY?! HEY HEY YOONGAY COME HERE THERES A CYPHER FAN WITH KOOKIE." Hobi continued to yell, I saw Taehyung tense up at the fact that hobi was part of the making in cypher, in fact he rapped in it.

"How many times do I have to tell you to use your inside voice and to stop calling me yoongay ya fuckin horse lookin alien dog sheep fucker face." After that string of insults I heard Taehyung let out a little giggle.

Only Yoongi would say that.



🏳thank you for reading chapter 10😄

Edited by me💞

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