Chapter 12.

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-Jeon Jungkook-

{Chapter 12: You're lovely.}


After kissing we both had flushed red faces and decided it would be a better idea to go back to the show rather than discuss what had just happened only seconds ago.

The shows plot kept twisting and turning as my eyes were glued to the screen, a few heartbreaking moments causing me to tear up only to blink them away.

I heard soft breathing from beside me, only looking over to see Taehyung asleep with his hands tucked under his head, he was curled up like a little baby causing me to chuckle.

I decided to start on my homework something I have been neglecting to fanboy over k-pop. Its an unhealthy thing really. Going through my bag getting everything out trying not to wake up Taehyung who seemed passed out,he looked too adorable to wake up. I quickly went through my gym bag in hopes of finding my pencil that I threw into it during my last period class, needless to say I was done doing all that work.

Instead of a pencil I pulled out an envelope, I looked like the same as the other two that were hidden in my closet in a shoe box.
I sat back into my spot on the bed from leaning over a sleeping (and lightly snoring might I add) Taehyung.

The letter felt a bit thicker than the last two but either way I opened it, suddenly a bracelet fell out from me harshly opening it. The bracelet was made out of black leather, the word "lovely." printed in a typewriter fashion you could barely see the word unless you were close enough.

📃The Letter📃

Dear Jeon Jungkook, I thought you would like this bracelet; which I hope you do.

I wonder what it's like to have everything I ever wanted right in front of me, Jungkook you are beauty and desire all in one. I shouldn't think of thoughts like this but I do anyways; how it feels to grip my hands firmly onto your shoulders, how you kiss, and how it feels to make you shiver from one little touch.

Gosh I keep falling for you when I know I shouldn't.

I probably seem like a pervert.

I'm not I swear.

I've been trying to hide it, but lately I just show through like glass to you.
Now I'm down to my skin and bones,the truth is the sky is falling babe and I'm scared of the life I have made.
Dont worry about me, I will do alright as long as I can breath cause baby you make me feel at ease.

From me to you #3.


I laid back against the headboard the letter with neat handwriting placed firmly in my hands. I was in shock.

Why would someone be so in love with me they would write something like this? It makes no sense. I felt so confused causing me to just fold up the envelope with the letter, the bracelet sat in front of me in a taunting way so I decided to just put it on. It fit firmly around the wrist from me tightening it in fear it would slip off, I put the envelope on the table next to my bed feeling Taehyung shift slightly causing me to look down to see his eyes lightly opened looking droopy.

"Morning sleepy..." I spoke in a light voice watching him let out a little yawn.

"Mhmmm...Morning..." He slowly fell back asleep after speaking only a few words, I let out little giggle seeing him hide his face into his arms that were once placed under his head.

I laid back against my pillow watching him snuggle deeper into the duvet, I pulled the duvet over my arms moving closer to Taehyung resting my head onto his shoulder. I felt his arm slowly wrap around my torso pulling me closer to him, I smiled slightly knowing we were so close to each other.

He let out little snore that sounded like he was purring, it was weird but comforting having a little bit of noise in the silent room. He moved closer to me his hand moved from my torso to under my shirt rubbing the small of my back soothingly allowing me to close my eyes comfort.

"You seen tense, what's wrong?" His soft voice rang out into the silence that once filled the room.

"Just stressed with school I guess...."

"Are you s-sure that's all?" The stutter in his voice made me giggle snuggling further into his shoulder.

"I got some letters from someone and it's leaving me confused."

"Why confused?"

"Because they said they loved me...How could someone love me? I'm boring there's nothing really interesting about me...."

"B-but what is there not to love about you Jungkook?" His voice was in a soft gentle whisper, calming my raging thoughts that were eating away at me.

"I'm unorganized, I eat to loudly,when I sleep with another person no matter who it is I move close like really close to them. I wear only solid shirts, I get obsessed with k-pop, I sleep in late. There's a huge list." I replied making him scoff at me but still his hand kept on with rubbing my back continuing the comforting feeling.

"But that's what to love about you...Loving someone is loving them for the flaws, the imperfect perfections about them. All those flaws make up that person....That's truly loving the person."

" I guess your right..."

At that moment I thought back to the letters words and Taehyungs.

As I fell asleep the mystery of the writers identity coming close to an end...


🏳thank you for reading chapter 12😄

Edited by me💞

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