Chapter 15.

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-Kim Taehyung-

{Chapter 15: Not your Oppa.}


I'm pretty sure Jungkook and I both heard the click of a camera.

We both pulled away so quick to see a boy with glasses on and a thick sweater. He gave us a smile waving at us, my face was probably as red as a fire truck. The boy was holding a huge professional camera, Jungkook quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the jeep with anger radiating off of him like a heater. The slam of the car door didn't go unnoticed by the young boy who looked like he was about to piss his pants.

"What the fuck are you doing kid?" Jungkook asked the boy who was a few inches shorter than him, the boy leaned back his shoulders shrinking into his body like he was gonna collapse into one.

"M-mino the head of the yearbook told m-me to get a photo of you guys kissing o-other wise she'll kick me out..." The boy was playing with the hem of his sweater the huge camera hanging from his neck.

"Well you tell Mino her and I need to have a talk about privacy." I never seen Jungkook this angry, it was something new that I didn't like. I stepped out of the car closing the car door softly but it didn't go unnoticed by the kid who looked like he was gonna cry at any second and honestly I didn't blame him. Grabbing onto the kids sweater pulling him towards me, he flinched when my hand came in contact with him.

"Go get Mino and bring her here, please..." I whispered to him seeing a crowd form most of them were whispering and pointing, I touched the back of my neck with my free hand casting my eyes down.

"Yes..." The boy said before scampering off towards the front entrance the feeling of Jungkooks eyes on me were prominent when I walked towards the back seat to grab my backpack.

"What did you say to him?" Suddenly Jungkook was behind me, a sigh passed my lips before I closed the car door turning to face him. Worry was etched across his face no longer the anger I saw only a few minutes ago.

"I told him to get her, I know her. She's always been nosey but t-this is taking it to far." I looked everywhere but his face, some girls were staring at us and giggling. One girl gave me the thumbs up making me go all red out of embarrassment.

"How do you know her exactly?" He asked grabbing a hold of the back of my neck running his hand through the back of my hair.

"S-she one time last year wanted a picture of you shirtless and I r-refused. So she kicked me out." I closed my eyes not wanting to see his face knowing if I did I would feel guilty. Guilty for not telling him before.

I heard Jungkook let out a giggle my eyes fluttred open to see him laughing his hand still tucked away into the back of my hair.

"That's actually funny... That poor kid."

"That poor kid that you yelled at" I spoke up and he let out a soft whine.

"Look I thought the kid was being a perv that's why I got mad."

"Did that kid look like a perv to you? He smiled and waved at you after he took the pic...No perv does that."

"Well still I thought he was...Look let's just wait for this girl to come and tell her this is wrong."

I gave him a nod moving away from Jungkook his hand dropping from my hair, I stood in front of the jeep seeing Mino walk down the school steps in a floral skirt with a cream sweater tucked in.

I rolled my eyes at her fake smile, Jungkook walked over to me with a grimace on his face. The boy with the round glasses followed behind her like a lost dog, I remember my first year here where I did the same exact thing.

"Taehyung oppa! I haven't seen you in a long time!" The girl squealed, I rolled my eyes before letting out a sigh.

"Mino what's the meaning of this?"

"Well you guys are the most popular couple at school so I figured we needed a picture. But bimbim here said he couldn't get the picture in time." A small pout was on her small lips, praise the boy behind her for getting rid of the picture.

"I-its bambam..."

"No one cares." She snapped at the tall boy who still stood taller than her even though she was wearing three inch heels. Even though the boy was taller he acted smaller.

"Do you even know what privacy is? We could report this as harassment." Jungkook shouted at her gaining attention of fellow classmates causing her face to screw up in an glare casted at the boy who stood next to me.

"Oppa! Get your boyfriend to stop being rude."

"First of all can you stop calling me oppa? You're a month older than me plus we're not close at all. He's right this is an invasion of privacy. I will tell your father if you don't stop."

With those words her face paled because she knew if I told her father he would flip. Her father enjoyed me and wanted me to marry her, but I told him the problem with that.

Which was I'm into boys.

He understood. Don't worry.

"Fine. Bimbim let's go." She stormed off with the tall boy trailing behind her, Jungkook was staring at me but I ignored it. Jungkook grabbed his backpack out of the jeep before standing next to me again, he intertwined our hands together like he did last night.

We began our walk towards the front with people staring along with whispering, I heard faint giggles but I ignored it staring straight ahead.

"You're so confident today."

" I'm about to walk into school with a neck full of hickeys I think I need to be confident for that." I said letting out a low chuckle turning my head to face him, he had his bunny like smile glowing towards me.

"I like confident Taehyung."

"Me to."


🏳thank you for reading chapter 15😄

Edited by me💞

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