Before the book actually starts I want you to listen to STRONG BY ONE DIRECTION. If you listen to it while reading would add more of an effect.
***Kristen's POV***
I sit. For hours, waiting for a movement. I know he is in there. He is just in a deep sleep. They said he was going to sleep for some time. I can't continue going on like this. I need to get us to rehab and fast. We both can't take this any longer, I will sign all the papers. I will do this for Marcel.
"I love you baby. I will get us both the help we need. I am going to sign all the papers. I know we will get better, I love you so much Marcel. Please don't leave me, I need you to stay with me forever and always." I kiss his head lightly and kiss his lips. I walk out of the room. I turn around to where I look in his room and smile, I cotinue to walk out and head out of the hospital. I walk over to the starbucks and get myself a mocha. Once they finally call my name I go up.
"Um. Hi, I don't know you?"
"Oh I don't know you either. I just saw you sitting alone. I just wanted to say hi."
"Well hi. I really need to get going."
"Well can I give you something?"
"What could you possible give me?"
"This," He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. He than slams his lips on mine. I try so hard to push him off. I don't ever kiss back. I can't cheat on Marcel, this guy is so gross. I don't know him and he thinks he owns me. I feel him put his hands on my butt, I pull my hands out from between are bodies and slap him. He stops kissing me and has this look in his eyes that he could probably kill me. I grab my mocha from the table and throw it on him. I don't need that, I need to leave and like now.
I turn around and head for the door.
I run out of there so fast and back to the hospital. I don't EVER want to go back to that startbucks. I don't like that place. I might be better with the hospital coffee. I get back and go straight to Marcel's room. I get there and Niall and John are next to his bed just looking at him. I get pissed but, than I calm down thinking that Niall is really trying to make up and John isn't going to punch his face in, in his weak stage.
Marcel is why weaker than John Kristen. John just isn't going to do it cause he's in love with him. He has told him and he is done hurting Marcel. He's on your side now. My consinuos tells me. I suppose she is right. I mean he wouldn't be here. If he is going to hurt him more. I smile at them and walk in. I sit in the chair that is in the corner. I watch as they look at Marcel.
"What happened to him, Kris." John ask.
"My brother."
"What did he do? Do I need to punch his face in for hurting him. I will do it, even if he is your brother."
"No he said 'if you hurt my little sister I will kill you.' I guess it caused Marcel to panic. He couldn't breathe. I got scared and gave him mouth to mouth."
"Oh my. So if you didn't give him mouth to mouth he could have been..."
"Yeah. I would have lost him. I would have gone to jail for murder."
"What?" John and Niall ask in unison.
"I would have killed my brother. I couldn't live without Marcel. You guys don't know how hard this has been for the both of us. I finally thought my life was turning normal and out of the blue James pops up and than my brother. Think of all the shit that has happened to us recently. I am tired of all this shit. When he is better and can leave, we're going to rehab. I didn't want him to tell anyone. But at this point I think its ok to tell you guys. I am starting to lighten up to you guys. Don't make me regret it." I tell them and look down at my hands. I haven't cut myself in a week. A week of starting over. A week of being in this hospital. A week of regret. A week of feeling lonely even when Marcel was here. A week of enough time to think. A week of remembering of everything that has happened and constantly being awaken from the terrible nightmare, only to be brought back into Marcel arms. Him telling me everything was going to be ok.
I have learned that is where I feel the safest. I don't need anything else, I need Marcel to keep me comfort, that's it. Marcel, me, and in the future are kids. I don't need anyone else. Marcel might need people, I know he will. I will allow the people he needs. If he needs more than just me than I must respect that. I need to be ready for what he needs.
I am taken out of my thoughts by the machine. I shoot out of my chair and over to Marcel's side. I take his hand and wish for everything to be alright. I need to make sure he is ok, I can't lose him or we will both be gone.
"Ma'am don't freak. Its just the machine letting me know that I need to change his I.V. I promise you Mr. Styles isn't going anywhere. Not any time soon that is." My smile I had when she told me it was just the I.V. machine beeping has faded. I don't like thinking that Marcel, Niall, John, Anne, Gemma, Luke, or me is going to die. I don't want to leave this place. I don't want to die. Not today, not tommorrow, not the day after, never. I want to stay here with Marcel. Forever and Always.
"Kristen, Marcel is fine. I isn't leaving you." Niall brings me in his arms. I didn't even notice I was crying, I just know that I was by Marcel's side in less than .2 seconds.
"I don't want to lose him Niall. I can't lose him, I need him. I have never been as strong as I am now. I-I am much stronger now. I am making it my job to protect him from anyone, and anything that can hurt him. I don't care if I get hurt in the process, as long as Marcel is fine. I will be there.
"I'll help Kristen. I just need you to trust me. I need to know that you don't have to worry about me hurting him again. I am done hurting him, I regret his and my high school year. I wish I could go back and change all of it. I was like Marcel before. Him and I used to be like twins. We did everything together. We played with our action figures, I still have mine. I was over recently when you yelled at me. I went into his room and saw them under his bed where he always kept them. I don't know if he told you, but now you know. I don't want to be the bully I was. I want to go back and be his friend once again. I know this my sound stupid, but could I have your blessing and be his friend, or best friend again?"
I smile in my tears that have seem to start up again and nod. I want Marcel to have a best friend besides me, if wants more than one friend. I can't really be his friend if I'm his girlfriend.
I look over at Marcel and slide my hand through his. I feel a light squeeze and jump out of Niall's arms and over to Marcel.
"Marcel?" I whisper out and he smiles. I knew he wouldn't leave me.
"Hi baby." He says in his sexy morning voice.
"I missed you Marcel. I need you to stay with me and to never leave me, I can't afford it. Don't ever leave Marcel." I cry out.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying with you for all eternity."
My hand rest on his and I watch him stare at me. I can't live without him. I'm glad we're fighting this together. I can't fight things alone. This is one of the many things I can't fight alone. I need Marcel to fight with me. To be my night in shining armor. Waiting for me at the end of the road.

The Other Half of Me (In major editing!)
Fiksi PenggemarHe's always been bullied. He is alone and a nerd. Everybody knows him as the kid that doesn't need love, he could die young and no one will care for him. Could a girl change all of that in a instants? Could a girl change his thoughts of dying alone...