***Kristen's POV***
I have looked at, at least 50 dresses none of them satify me. I keep scanning over the same ones. I don't like any of these. I know Marcel is being patient and trying to help me but, sadly the dresses he keeps asking if I like I don't like. I feel bad to keep denying the dresses he wants me to wear. I know he is trying, maybe its just this store doesn't know style and I'm in the completely wrong store.
I look up and see Marcel walking around. I see how his hands go through the dresses and stops at a few and than he picks one up. I see how he studies the dress makes sure that it looks perfect. I see how is facial features change. He then closes his eyes and smiles. The smile soon fades and he puts the dress down, I want to know what he was thinking about when he closed his eyes. I wonder if its about me, or us.
"MARCEL! KRISTEN! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!!" I hear someone yell. I instantly know its Niall. He is the only one that I know that would walk into a room and shout out peoples names. Other customers look at him and frown, ending up shaking their heads. I know he was loud but doesn't give you the right to treat someone bad.
"Hi Niall. How are you?" I say since I'm the closest to the entrance and Marcel is walking over to us.
"I'm fine and yourself?"
"Same. I can't find any dresses. Not even one catches my eye. Its a mid-life crisis. I don't know if I even want to go to the dance anymore."
"Wait. What!?!?. Kristen we're going. We will find you a dress even if it takes us forever. I can't let you give up this early. We're finding that dress. All three of us will help you look for a dress. Especially me. Cause I love you." Marcel whispers the last part and kisses my cheek.
"Four." I look up to see who could have possible said that. The voice is unknown to me. I have never heard it before. Marcel looks at Niall who is smiling. He steps to the side and a girl is behind him smiling. I have never seen her before, I don't think I have ever in my life. She has dark brown hair, probably black, she has light brown eyes they look like a hazel. I might have seen her in the halls at school other than that I don't know who she is.
"I'm Allie. You can call me Al if you want. I don't really care. I am one of Niall's friends. He said about going dress shopping with his friend his friends girlfriend. I decided to come since I have been wanting to go and make some new friends. See I have only known Niall cause I am really shy. I don't really like talking to other people. Niall got me to talk to him so he is basically my only friend." I smile at her knowing how she feels. I only had and have Marcel I see what she means. I get out of Marcel's grip since he was holding me by my waist, I walk up to her and smile warmly.
"I'm Kristen. You can call me Kris if you want, I know how you feel. I am the same way. I don't like talking very much. I'm friends with Marcel cause I saw him getting bullied and I wanted to know him better then any of the students that go to our school. I know it seems weird but, I think you and I are going to be very best friends. I can't find any dresses though. I'm thinking about giving up."
"Don't me and you will find a dress for the both of us. I just plan to go so my parents don't make me clean the house. Come on and lets get out of this old lady store." She chuckles and her and I go running out of the store.
"KRISTEN. Look at this one. Its so cute and its in your size. I know you don't really like pink but check it out." I hear Allie shout from behind me. I turn around and look at the dress. It is pretty and grab it to hold onto. I have at least 30 dresses now and Marcel and Niall are holding all of our dresses. We have been through 6 stores and we have tried on over a hundred dresses. At each store liking about 1 or 2 that will probably buy if we don't find one that we absolutely love.

The Other Half of Me (In major editing!)
FanfictionHe's always been bullied. He is alone and a nerd. Everybody knows him as the kid that doesn't need love, he could die young and no one will care for him. Could a girl change all of that in a instants? Could a girl change his thoughts of dying alone...